Reporter:Oconto County Tourism
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 6-9
Date of Report: January 14, 2022
Area Report:
Logging is currently in process on both County and Federal Properties. When coming into a logging area, follow the signage and never go under or near logging equipment when they are in use. This s a very dangerous situation, and if it continues, the trail may be shut down or forced to be rerouted. Let’s all be safe and patient when we are on the trails. Logg g equipment has the right of way.
Red Arrow Snowmobile Club – 1/12/22
Groomers were last out Monday we will groom again Thursday night. The trails are in good condition.
Chute Pond Snowmobile Club – 1/13/22
Chute Pond Snowmobile Trails are open and in good to very good “early season condition”- which means there may be rough spots, bare spots, dips, ungroomed areas by swamps or water holes. Please take it easy on the starts, stops, and corners- and in general, reduce your speed and be aware of the trail conditions. Grooming continues as needed and in many areas, our trails are in great shape- but in some areas, the surface will not be as smooth as mid-season riding. More specific details follow:
INT 311 to INT 320 is back open. Take it easy north of CTY W as you ride through the repaired trail.
There is a small trail change as you approach Animal’s in the ditch on Hwy T. Please follow the trail signs. Be aware that loggers are working along the Mountain Lakes Rd trail from Hwy 64 north to Star Lake Rd.
The north pipeline trail is open, has been groomed once, and is passable from Jack Pine Rd to Crooked Lake- but will continue to be a rough ride until we get more snow to fill in the dips. Adjust your speed accordingly.
Our groomer operators and volunteers have spent countless hours getting our trails ready, and grooming will continue, both day and night. Please watch for the groomers- then stop and wait for their signal that it is safe to move past them. Please respect the loggers, our trails, and other riders. Remember these are still early season conditions- and ride accordingly.
Gillett Sno Riders – 1/14/22
We will be out grooming this afternoon and through the weekend. Trails are in early season condition, overall they are in good condition, expect to see some thin spots in the field crossings. The NST specifically is in good condition and has held up nicely to the traffic north of town. There is parking at Zippel park located right on the trail.
Paul Bunyan Riders – 1/12/22
The trails are open and in good condition.
BB Joyriders – 1/12/22
B&B Joyriders Trails are all open and in fair to very good, the groomers will be out again this weekday and night getting the trails ready for the weekend. We all could use more snow, maybe only 1” is coming this week. There are spots on the trail that we cannot groom yet, but we are getting close. There is a fishery on White Potato Lake Saturday 1/15.
Lena – 1/13/22
Trails are open expect poor to fair rating with early season conditions.
Oconto Falls – 1/13/22
Trails will be in “early season” condition with some rocks/ruts/dips due to minimal snow. We do have a couple of areas of concern where extra caution should be taken.
The trail between Garrity Rd and Elm Lawn Rd has not been fully groomed due to the area not being able to support the weight of the groomer. There is also a spot west of Gray Lake Rd where the groomer broke through and there are some ice chunks sticking out. This area will have extra markers and caution tape around it. There is active logging in the county forest, and remember that logging equipment has the right of way, and there will be areas where the loggers plowed the trail.
Chase – CLOSED. 1/14/22
Trails will remain closed due to a lack of snow.