Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Kenosha County, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: No Snow

Snow Cover: 0-2

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

Although we received several inches of snow an insufficient amount has fallen to open the trails.

Please keep in mind that a new solar farm is being constructed in Kenosha County.

The Northern boundary is Cty KR

The Eastern boundary is 144 st 

The Southern Boundary is State HY 142

The Western boundary is State Hy 45.

 These boundaries are not exclusive and some areas west of  Highway 45 may be affected.

Stay on Trails. Trespassing is never OK. The trail through the solar farm can be temporary. If trespassing should

occur we will loose this trail………..Please ride responsibly.

Trail Report – : Ely, Minnesota – December 22, 2022

Ely, MN Chamber of Commerce

Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center

Trail Conditions: Poor

Snow Cover: 19-26 Inches

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

Ely Area Trail Conditions
December 22, 2022
There is active logging happening on a number of spots throughout the Grant-in-Aid and State Trail system. Please slow down and give trucks and logging equipment space.
Continue to monitor trail conditions online, as they may be changing daily:
Taconite State Trail: The Taconite has been groomed once from Ely to Tower. Use caution in the Ely-to-Purvis segment as it remains very narrow. And the segment through the swamp between Purvis Rd and Bear Head Rd/CR 128) remains ungroomed. The remainder of the Taconite along with the rest of our trail system is still getting cleared of brush and trees pulled down by the recent snow, and we also continue to pack the swamps and beaver ponds to allow the slush and ice to freeze thick enough for grooming equipment. Snow: 16-28 inches of snow with a base of 0-4 inches Groomed: Partially Condition: Poor
Arrowhead and Putnam/Fishing Lakes State Trails: are open, but extra caution is needed while riding. The heavy snow we got last week has created a lot of slush in the swamps and beaver ponds, but the good side is that it will help to create a good trail base for the rest of the grooming season. Our trail crew continues to re-clear brush/trees from the trail and pack swamps and beaver ponds to allow for additional grooming before the new year. High ground and dry swamps are still very rough, and ice in swamps remains inconsistent. If using the trails right now, please use caution and travel at your own risk.
Arrowhead Trail Snow: 16-24 inches of snow with a base of 0 inches Groomed: No Condition: Poor
Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation: Is groomed for classic skiing. Babbitt golf course is groomed for classic and skate skiing and is in excellent condition.
Bear Head Lake State Park: This trail provides rolling topography through birch and pine stands. You may see a variety of wildlife ranging from deer, wolves, ruffled grouse, and pine martens. Snow depth is 17-20 inches. Skiing conditions: Poor trails are not groomed Base: 10 inches. Snowmobiling conditions: Poor, trails are not groomed Base: 8 inches.

Trail Report – : Sayner, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022

Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers

Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: 8″ +

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

The Vilas and Oneida county trails officially opened this morning (Dec 23) at 8:00!  All of the Barnstormer trails have been freshly panned and have since had sub zero temps to help them set up.  Even with the good snow we got last week, it all panned down to just a 2″ base.  So, we’ll be needing more wet snow to build this up more.  The 6″ we got two nights ago was just dry fluff & not much help.

There are early season riding conditions.  There has not been enough snow to fill some of the ruts, so be prepared for those bumps.  Expected high winds over the next couple of days could bring down more trees.  If you are so inclined, it wouldn’t hurt to bring a chain saw or some loppers along on your ride!

Ice conditions still vary, so please DO NOT cross any lake that isn’t marked!

TRAIL CLOSURE NOTICE:  Due to ongoing logging operations, the Barnstormer’s trail #51 is CLOSED between TIN 344 and 353!  DO NOT RIDE THIS SECTION OF TRAIL!


Mark your calendars for the following Barnstormer Fundraising Events!

Saturday, January 14, 2023:  Brats On The Trail – Join us at Trail Marker #217 for Brats on the trailside! We will have chili, hot dogs, brats, chips and beverages. A small bonfire to sit/stand around.

Saturday, January 21, 2023:  Stillwaters Snowmobile Breakfast – 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

Saturday, February 4, 2023:  Annual Chili Dump – Join us at Murmuring Waters from 2:00 – 5:00 for our Annual Chili Dump.

Sunday, February 20, 2023:  Pizza Fundraiser – Join us at The Hillside Tavern and Grill from 4:00 – 8:00 for our Pizza Fundraiser!

Trail Report – : Cable, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022

Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: 4-8″

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

12/23/2022 NTG trails Update: OPEN. We are 100% cleared. 100% rolled. 100% groomed. Please be respectful of all posted signage and private property that land owners are kind enough to let us use. 

News and Reports:

WE ARE OPEN. As of 12/23/2022 NTG trails are 100% cleared. 100% rolled. 100% groomed. Please be respectful of all posted signage and private property that land owners are kind enough to let us use.

The Cable Area in Northern Wisconsin has over 1,200 miles of interconnecting snowmobile trail systems, making it one of the largest trail systems in the U.S. Uncrowded trails and the solitude of the Chequamegon National Forest bring snowmobilers back again and again to the Cable Area.

Trail Report – : Rhinelander, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022

Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 6-9″ of semi packed base

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

We are off and running.  The Oneida County Snowmobile Trails are open as of Friday, December 23rd.  

First the good news…..The land based trails are open and ready to enjoy.  Club members spent countless hours in the last week clearing the trails since the icy, heavy snow the previous week.  All trails are passable and should have a good base once they are packed in.  

Now, the watch outs……The lakes are not marked at this point and should be considered unsafe until they are marked.  Travel at your own risk if you choose to cross them.  The club has been able to pack (via groomer) about 50% of the trail system at this point.  All trails have been packed with sleds, but that is not the same as via a groomer and / or a drag.   There are a few swamps that we can’t take the groomers through at this point.  We plan on hitting all trails with the groomers starting next week.  In addition, with the extreme conditions in the forecast the next two days, we don’t want to send the groomers out with little or no support over the holidays.  

The conditions will vastly improve over the next week, but currently, the trails are “Early Season” conditions.  

Feel free to get out and enjoy the first opportunities to ride, but temper your expectations at this point.

We are excited about having the trails open prior to Christmas.  Good things to come!!

Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12″-18″

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

The Vilas County Snowmoile Trail System is now open and ready for your riding pleasure.  A few more inches of snow fell yesterday so lubercation and cooling will not be an issue.  Wind and visability will be an issue with gust up to 50 MPH expected.  Please use cation and watch for down trees and limbs that may intrfer with the trails.The entire Phelps trails have been grommed and are in good to excellent conditions.

Please be aware that with the Chirstmas weekend the way it is this year, grooming in Phelps will not be done again until Monday night.  After then, grooming will be done nightly as needed.  I just want to give everyone a heads up.

Please ride right and respect your fellow snowmobilers and please stay on the marked trail.  Not all trails are on public land and off trail riding is trespassing.  Enjoy the trails and come back and visit us soon.

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 10″+

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

Washburn County Snowmobile Trails will remain closed at this time. With the adequate snow conditions from recent snowfall, there are numerous reports of trees down along trails throughout the county. Clubs are out working to clear trails of debris and will continue to work through the weekend to resolve the issue. We ask that you stay off the trails until open to ensure the safety of the crews working as well as you own. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 

Snowmobile Information:

Snowmobiling Information

For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306
Visit us at for more information.

Click Here to order a Washburn County, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)


The Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area has over 250 miles of scenic, groomed trails. These miles of trails link up to the largest network of snowmobile trails in the Midwest. Visitors have remarked that “these trails are the best I’ve seen. They’re so well kept and they’re not crowded like other places we’ve been to, I’ll be back!”

The scenic beauty, wilderness sledding and abundant amenities, makes the area unmatched as a destination point for snowmobilers throughout the Midwest. The local snowmobile clubs have worked hard to develop and maintain routes that include a wide assortment of riding pleasures. The trails take you through, both private and public lands, over a variety of terrain including, forests, wetlands, farm fields, streams, lakes and bridges.

Within the Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area there are over 100 lodging establishments, from small motels to lavish resorts. There are even winter camping facilities available. Our true, northern hospitality really shines when you dine at one of the trail-side restaurants in Washburn County, Wisconsin.

Many unique dining experiences are available; one you may be familiar with is the Friday Night Fish Fry, a northern tradition. Dining establishments range from bar & grilles to supper clubs, family dining to unique dining train rides. With over 70 restaurants in Washburn County, you may need to plan more than one trip to choose your favorite. You will find a variety of restaurants in Washburn County Wisconsin, sure to tempt your taste buds and keep you coming back.

For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306 or CLICK HERE for your FREE trail map! Visit us at for more information.

Trail Report – : Three Lakes – Brule River, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 4-8”

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

Our Oneida county portion of the trails are now open for the winter. Lakes are unsafe, not marked.
Early season conditions. Take it easy. Please stay on the trails.
Our Forest county portion of our system will open on Monday.
Have a Merry Christmas.

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 10″-12″

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

It’s official, the Vilas County trail system will open on Friday December 23rd at 8am. It is snowing now through Saturday. With the snow will come high winds. So we caution that the trails will be early season riding. The base may deteriorate quickly and with the high winds, there may be trees down across the trails. Please ride with caution, ride right, ride safe. 

News and Reports:

Don’t cross water unless it is marked. So far the ice on lakes isn’t thick enough to mark or cross. 
We have been going through marsh areas trying to pack the snow down to help it freeze. The cemetery trail south of Cty Hwy K East is still being worked on. Trail Boss Chad said he tried again Thursday, and is about 75 yrds from making it across. 


Other area swamps (ie Chicago Ave Spur from Trail 3, and Lanny’s Spur) are rideable. Trail Boss Chad was able to push snow in those and drive the Tucker through. 

Snowmobile Information:

Our annual Poker Run starts December 24th and ends on March 4th. You can pick up game cards to be stamped at several locations in Conover, Eagle River, Phelps, and Land O Lakes. Draw party is March 4th. No need to be present to win. 

January 14th – 10am-2pm – Trailside Brat Fry. Meet Conover and Phelps snowmobile clubs at intersection 500 for Brats, Hot Dogs, Hot Chocolate. and s’mores. This is where 3 clubs meet on trail 6 and 8 along the power lines near Blong Rd. 

January 28th – 1pm-4pm – Chilli and Soup Cook-off at Wild Turkey. Entreries must be there by 12:45pm. Bring a crook pot full of your favorite recipe. Or stop by and be a judge on entreries. 

December 30th – 4pm-7pm – Town of Conover sledding party. Residents and visitors are invited to join in sledding and skating under the lights at the Conover Town Park. Sno-Buddies groomer will be giving sledders a lift to the top of the hill. Complimentary hot dogs, chips and hot cocoa available along with s’mores by the warming bonfires. Some loaner sleds and skates available on site. Contact 715-617-9500

Trail Report – : Stephenson County, Illinois – December 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: Between 0 and 3″

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

Yes, we did get snow, but NO the trails are NOT open with all the wind we have the snow is all in one place and there is a lot of bare ground, and it takes at least 4″ of snow to open trails