Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center
Trail Conditions: Poor
Snow Cover: 19-26 Inches
Date of Report: December 22, 2022
Area Report:
Ely Area Trail Conditions
December 22, 2022
There is active logging happening on a number of spots throughout the Grant-in-Aid and State Trail system. Please slow down and give trucks and logging equipment space.
Continue to monitor trail conditions online, as they may be changing daily:
Taconite State Trail: The Taconite has been groomed once from Ely to Tower. Use caution in the Ely-to-Purvis segment as it remains very narrow. And the segment through the swamp between Purvis Rd and Bear Head Rd/CR 128) remains ungroomed. The remainder of the Taconite along with the rest of our trail system is still getting cleared of brush and trees pulled down by the recent snow, and we also continue to pack the swamps and beaver ponds to allow the slush and ice to freeze thick enough for grooming equipment. Snow: 16-28 inches of snow with a base of 0-4 inches Groomed: Partially Condition: Poor
Arrowhead and Putnam/Fishing Lakes State Trails: are open, but extra caution is needed while riding. The heavy snow we got last week has created a lot of slush in the swamps and beaver ponds, but the good side is that it will help to create a good trail base for the rest of the grooming season. Our trail crew continues to re-clear brush/trees from the trail and pack swamps and beaver ponds to allow for additional grooming before the new year. High ground and dry swamps are still very rough, and ice in swamps remains inconsistent. If using the trails right now, please use caution and travel at your own risk.
Arrowhead Trail Snow: 16-24 inches of snow with a base of 0 inches Groomed: No Condition: Poor
Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation: Is groomed for classic skiing. Babbitt golf course is groomed for classic and skate skiing and is in excellent condition.
Bear Head Lake State Park: This trail provides rolling topography through birch and pine stands. You may see a variety of wildlife ranging from deer, wolves, ruffled grouse, and pine martens. Snow depth is 17-20 inches. Skiing conditions: Poor trails are not groomed Base: 10 inches. Snowmobiling conditions: Poor, trails are not groomed Base: 8 inches.