Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Crivitz, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: OPEN

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

Iron Snow Shoe Trails are OPEN, are all panned and gates are open. 

Dress Warm, Ride Safe, Have Fun, & Enjoy Our Trails!! 

Due to high wind predicted for today.  If your come across any down trees please report them by calling Popp’s Resort 715-757-3511.

Area Events: High Falls Radar Runs January 28, 2023 & February 11, 2023

Trail Report – : Walworth County, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022

Reporter:Ryan Strand

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 3-4”

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

We received a few inches of snow but it is very hard to tell how much with extreme winds. Winds like this are great for some parts of the trail but many other parts will be blown bare by tomorrow morning.  The good news is it is very cold, that should freeze everything up. The trails are closed at this time. We will update as conditions change. Merry Christmas!

Walworth County Snowmobile Alliance

Trail Report – : Bayfield County, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: 10-12

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

December 22, 2022

TRAIL STATUS:  OPEN as of 12/23/2022


CONDITION:  Poor to fair


With the recent wet, heavy snowfall and and a second storm coming this weekend, many Bayfield County trails are still in need of clearing trees and brush. Please contact a local club if you would like to help with any trail maintenance. See below for a trail update by club. Reminder: trails are in early season condition. Please ride with caution.

Barnestormers   Trails are 50% open and groomed. Trail 31 south from Mulligan Creek road to Sawyer Co is not open. Spur trail connecting trail 31 and 61 is not open. Trails south of Hwy N are partially open with no connection to Drummond currently. There is an active logging operation on the west end of Town trail 7/17

Drummond Sno Jacks    All trails are open. All trail have been groomed with the exception of the portion of trail 63 through the Bibon Swamp and the Lake Owen stick trail is not yet open. Please help pack trail 63 so it will freeze down and can be groomed.

Frostys vintage riders     No report

Namakagon Trail Groomers        All trails open. Club is asking for help packing marshes; trail 8 between Ehrman Rd and HWY M towards Clam Lake, trail 75 between Dam Rd and Crystal Lake Landing Rd, trail 70 behind Evergreen towards 70/75 T.

Northern Adventures     All trails are open and groomed  

South Shore Trails Club Trail 1 to Herbster is clear of downfall, passable but there are mud holes and trail is narrow. Ride with caution

Washburn Valhellers      Trail 13 from Valhalla view pub & grub to trails 33, 31 and 63 (Moquah Spur trail) have been groomed one pass only (10 ft wide) Trail 13 from the corridor, north to Washburn and to Valhalla has also been groomed, one pass only. There is still some small debris to be cleared in some areas.  Anyone with a snowmobile, chainsaw, clippers, or pole saw your help would be greatly appreciated.  With only one pass completed, the trail is narrow and riders should use extreme caution watching for oncoming sleds.    

Trail 1 from Mountain Rd to the Red Cliff casino is not open at this time

White River Ramblers    All trails are open and groomed with the exception of a temporary closure of Trail 4 from Mason to Delta

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Unknown

Snow Cover: Looking Good! 12-16 inches or so

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

The Vilas County trail system which includes the Frosty Club officially opens Friday, Dec. 23 at 8AM. Trails in Oneida county open at the same time and Michigan trails have been open. No word on Forest County.

There is a lot of snow out there and the high winds will be blowing it around so please be safe and remember it is EARLY SEASON. Lac Vieux Desert is marked but that is the only lake I know of that is marked.

News and Reports:

Snowmobile Safety Class December 27th–still a couple of openings. Go to for more info

1st music, games, and taco night to be held at the VFW on Wed Dec. 29—5:30-9:00 pm. Hope to see you for there.

Get your Frosty Swag at the Frosty Club store. A link is at 

Snowmobile Information:

Ride right and ride safe.

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 4-6

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

In light of the recent snowfall, the public is excited to utilize the winter recreational trails in Langlade County including the snowmobile trails, cross-country ski trails, snowshoe trails, sled dog trails, and fat tire bike trails.  We have experienced a good number of phone calls related to the snowmobile trail opening.

Below are two photos were taken at the Jack Lake ski trail that demonstrates some of the issue being seen by staff and clubs that operate and manage many of our winter recreational trails.  Although trail opening and use vary across Langlade County with some cross-country ski trails open, some trails remain ungroomed and closed. The sled dog club has seen the same issues in its initial trail preparations.


Snowmobile clubs are working hard to get the trails operational, snow amounts vary across the County and some areas still need time to freeze up before trail groomers can access them.  A reasonable amount of time will be required to remove debris deposited on the trails from the heavy rain and ice accumulation created by the storm and some additional cold weather would also help.

In light of the snowmobile trail opening, we are awaiting a response from clubs relating to trail conditions in relation to opening, and trail opening will be announced when trails are safe and operational as determined by the snowmobile clubs and the Langlade County Snowmobile Council.

 Langlade County appreciates the recreational users of our Trail systems and the businesses that they support. Our clubs and Langlade County will continue to keep all posted on what hopefully will become a great winter recreation season to come.

Al Murray
Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department

Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 10

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

Trails in Oneida and Vilas County will open Friday the 23rd  at 8 am , do not ride on the lakes until they are marked, also there may be branches down so if you can help  out please pick them up and throw off the trail, the trails will be in early season condition so be careful , once the groomers get out and pan the new snow they should be in decent shape, the low spots and swamps might not be frozen yet.

Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 8-12

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

Snowmobile Report – December 22, 2022
Ashland County snowmobile trails are CLOSED until further notice.   Cold temps, trees down and poor visibility.  Working to clear trails of downed trees and branches and battling equipment breakdowns.  The storm last week has made grooming rough and the new snow is covering the downed branches.  Ashland county groomers are working on grooming.  Down trees and debris on the trail, it’s making it very difficult.  Volunteer Club Members are out working to get trees out of the way, and trails cleared.  It’s hard because the trees and debris have frozen to the ground.  Still some water underneath the snow, so ride with caution.   Again please ride with caution.  More snow on it’s way!  Merry Christmas Everyone!

Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022

Trail Conditions: Poor

Snow Cover: 8-12

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

Snowmobile Report – December 22, 2022
Ashland County snowmobile trail Gates are OPEN.  The storm last week has made grooming rough and the new snow is covering the downed branches.  Ashland county groomers are working on grooming.  Down trees and debris on the trail, it’s making it very difficult.  Club Members are out working to get trees out of the way, and trails cleared.  Hard because the trees and debris have frozen to the ground.   One trail is closed south of Ashland (trail 9).   Still some water underneath the snow, so ride with caution.   Again please ride with caution.  More snow on it’s way!

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – December 22, 2022

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 10″

Date of Report: December 22, 2022

Area Report:

Washburn County Snowmobile Trails will remain closed at this time. With the adequate snow conditions from recent snowfall, there are numerous reports of trees down along trails throughout the county. Clubs are out working to clear trails of debris and will continue to work through the weekend to resolve the issue. We ask that you stay off the trails until open to ensure the safety of the crews working as well as you own. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 

Snowmobile Information:



For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306
Visit us at for more information.

Click Here to order a Washburn County, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)


The Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area has over 250 miles of scenic, groomed trails. These miles of trails link up to the largest network of snowmobile trails in the Midwest. Visitors have remarked that “these trails are the best I’ve seen. They’re so well kept and they’re not crowded like other places we’ve been to, I’ll be back!”

The scenic beauty, wilderness sledding and abundant amenities, makes the area unmatched as a destination point for snowmobilers throughout the Midwest. The local snowmobile clubs have worked hard to develop and maintain routes that include a wide assortment of riding pleasures. The trails take you through, both private and public lands, over a variety of terrain including, forests, wetlands, farm fields, streams, lakes and bridges.

Within the Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area there are over 100 lodging establishments, from small motels to lavish resorts. There are even winter camping facilities available. Our true, northern hospitality really shines when you dine at one of the trail-side restaurants in Washburn County, Wisconsin.

Many unique dining experiences are available; one you may be familiar with is the Friday Night Fish Fry, a northern tradition. Dining establishments range from bar & grilles to supper clubs, family dining to unique dining train rides. With over 70 restaurants in Washburn County, you may need to plan more than one trip to choose your favorite. You will find a variety of restaurants in Washburn County Wisconsin, sure to tempt your taste buds and keep you coming back.

For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306 or CLICK HERE for your FREE trail map! Visit us at for more information.

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – December 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 8-12″

Date of Report: December 23, 2022

Area Report:

It’s official, the Vilas County trail system will open on Friday December 23rd at 8am. It is snowing now through Saturday. With the snow will come high winds. So we caution that the trails will be early season riding. The base may deteriorate quickly and with the high winds, there may be trees down across the trails. Please ride with caution, ride right, ride safe. 

News and Reports:

Don’t cross water unless it is marked. So far the ice on lakes isn’t thick enough to mark or cross. 
We have been going through marsh areas trying to pack the snow down to help it freeze. The cemetery trail south of Cty Hwy K East is still being worked on. With the new snow, we are hoping to get through that section and open it up. 

Snowmobile Information:

Our annual Poker Run starts December 24th and ends on March 4th. You can pick up game cards to be stamped at several locations in Conover, Eagle River, Phelps, and Land O Lakes. Draw party is March 4th. No need to be present to win. 

January 14th – 10am-2pm – Trailside Brat Fry. Meet Conover and Phelps snowmobile clubs at intersection 500 for Brats, Hot Dogs, Hot Chocolate. and s’mores. This is where 3 clubs meet on trail 6 and 8 along the power lines near Blong Rd. 

January 28th – 1pm-4pm – Chilli and Soup Cook-off at Wild Turkey. Entreries must be there by 12:45pm. Bring a crook pot full of your favorite recipe. Or stop by and be a judge on entreries. 

December 30th – 4pm-7pm – Town of Conover sledding party. Residents and visitors are invited to join in sledding and skating under the lights at the Conover Town Park. Sno-Buddies groomer will be giving sledders a lift to the top of the hill. Complimentary hot dogs, chips and hot cocoa available along with s’mores by the warming bonfires. Some loaner sleds and skates available on site. Contact 715-617-9500