Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Tomahawk, Wisconsin – March 13, 2023

Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-8

Date of Report: March 13, 2023

Area Report:




More snow has fallen and conditions are good to very good. Watch for wet spots in low areas.

FOR YOUR SAFETY, keep to marked trails on lakes and rivers!

Zone 1 Trails remaining closed are as follows: Trail 86 from Intersection #25 to the Taylor County Line. Corridor 21 from Hwy M north of Homestead Road to the Taylor County Line.

ATVs are only allowed on designated trails when temperatures are below 28F. No UTVs.

As always, we remind riders to stay on marked trails. Off trail riding is trespassing and could result in closure or loss of trails and citations and fines for those who participate.

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – March 13, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-12 inches

Date of Report: March 13, 2023

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Monday, 3/13/2023

At 8:00 a.m. it’s 17 degrees out with overcast skies and a high of 23 degrees today and a low of 5 degrees tonight.

We received 6”-8” of new snow yesterday and last groomed 8E, 11, and 15S Sunday morning. Tonight, we will be grooming 2W, 8W, 51, 15N, and 6E.

With the new snow, cooler temps, and continued grooming, our trails are in excellent condition.

We have a warmup coming for Wednesday-Thursday, but a cool down and more snow for Friday into the weekend.

So get out and possibly enjoy the best riding of the season while it last!

Enjoy our trails and local businesses this week and as always “Ride Right” and be safe.

Landy Roepke, BJSC Trail Manager

Trail Report – : Iron County, Michigan – March 13, 2023


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 12-18 inches

Date of Report: March 13, 2023

Area Report:

As you all know…. we received additional 10 inches of snow yesterday… so riding is unbelievable. Our clubs and operators are continuing to groom this wonderful snow.. wish we could have gotten a little bit of it in February instead of all in March. Oh well, what are you going to do.  LOL

Looks like another great week for riding in the U.P.  Right now, road intersections are good again.. Honestly, looks like we’re going to be able to go all the way to the end of March for riding this year.

Trails over all are in Very Good to Excellent Condition – Even the southern trails received enough snow to get them back up to Very Good Condition.

Very Good to Excellent – Trail #2, Trail #107, Trail #116, Trail #16, Trail #18, Trail #113,

Very Good – Trail #15 S. and Trail #111

If you have the time and want to get in another great run… don’t hesitate this week or weekend trails are AWESOME just about any direction you want to go.

Trail 15 N. will remain closed to the intersection of Trail #111 

Trail #16 from Sagola to Trail #5 remains closed as well.

Thanks Again to everyone who came up and stayed and rode in Iron County this snowmobile season… it was great seeing and having you here.  Thank you also goes out to our (2) clubs (Iron Range Trail Club & Chippewa Sno-Kats) for doing such a wonderful job in keeping our trails flat and smooth. Also, a “BIG” thanks goes out to ALL the groomer operators and mechanics who kept the machines out on the trails… not an easy job to do and a lot of volunteered hours there… THANK YOU!!!!! 

As always, let’s not forget to Ride Right.. Give the Groomers the right away.. Thumbs-Up when you see a Groomer (only if you can of course).. please slow down when you see approaching sleds or groomers.. 

Enjoy this beautiful snow and trails… have a great ride!!

Happy & Safe Sledding everyone!!


Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – March 13, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6″ of fresh

Date of Report: March 13, 2023

Snowmobile Information:

OK, we got 6 inches of new snow, with good moisture in it. Northern Hornshoe groomer is going out as we get new snow. Trails are flat and ready to ride. Our group of steely eyed professionals will be removing the lake markers Wednesday. We can always use extra hands. Mark

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 13, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 5-6+ new SNOW – Plenty of SNOW & base

Date of Report: March 13, 2023

Area Report:

March 13 2023 7:32am –  17 degrees – High 23

Good to Excellent

Trails in Eagle River & ALL of Vilas county are in fantastic riding condition!  5-6+ inches of new SNOW! Plenty of moisture so trails will lay down really good after grooming.  On top of that it is only getting to 23 today & down to 5 tonight!  SNOWS not going anywhere!  Time to ride it when we got it!

Took a short 68 mile ride yesterday.  Heading out from our home on Trail 10E. West on 10 to intersect with 13 “the grade”.  Fantastic with a few sections of chop under the new SNOW.   “The grade” to town was filled with a ton of SNOW with some minor chop. Left on to 70W/7S/13S.   Heading all the way out to the St. Germain connect.  Again ton of SNOW & Very Good.  St. Germain 70W to 10N was Excellent.  10N into to 7N through St. Germain, Sayner & Conover trails making our way north.  All Excellent. All the way up to 8 which is Sayner into Conover trails.  Good to Excellent!  13 in Conover into Eagle River to 10/13 & headed to Wisconsin River bridge crossing.  It was tight, smooth which a little minor mush in the first corner on the west side.  Otherwise Very Good. 10/13 all the way to town.  Very Good to Excellent.  Through town to “the grade” to 10 all the way home.  ALL roads were covered with a ton of SNOW.  It was fantastic.

If you’re riding today, pretty sure crews will be out plowing & clearing roads.  Expect snowbanks at road crossing.   Stop to be sure you can see both ways.

Nearly a full grooming last night.  Here are trails the were not groomed:

70W to St. Germain turn around
7 aka Paint Ball Field to Cty H & Sugar Camp trails connect
13S along Hwy 17S to Sugar Camp trails connect
10W from TIN 105 – at the intersection where trail goes west on Deep Lk Rd & heads south toward Croker Rd

With the number of accidents & fatalities this season will keep reminding you:

When you come upon a group of sleds in front of you on the trail.  Passing them can get you in trouble.   Have been seeing this all winter.  When an entire group passes, by the time the last sled passes, a sled could be coming from the other direction.

Remember as you ride & meet a groomer the equipment is NOT able to leave the trail due to it’s weight.  Pull over & stop.  Wait for direction from the driver.  Give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!

Please ride on the right side, slow down, limit alcohol & no off trail riding.

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are still marked. With the new SNOW & wind expect drifting.  If a lake is not marked it probably is not safe.

Take The Pledge, Protect Snowmobiling access for today’s and future snowmobilers (


Are ya riding? See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTSWednesday & Thursday Guided Trail Rides – Meet on Trail 10/13 in town at the Railroad Depot – To be sure the rides a “go” check out

March 15 – Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance – 6pm – Guides Inn – Boulder Junction
March 16 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting & Annual Election – 6pm – Eagle Waters Resort – Hwy 70E to Rangeline Rd
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
April 4, 2023 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting  – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
April 20, 2023 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting- 6pm – Blue Heron – Chain o’ Lakes Rd off Hwy 45N

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Has all trail alerts. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 12, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Ice and snow base – 3-4 inches new west snow

Date of Report: March 12, 2023

Area Report:

March 12 2023 8:10am – 23 degrees – High 32

Late Season Riding – All Conditions

Snow overnight which looks to be ending & starting back up at 11am. East of Eagle River 3-4 inches wet packy snow. Forecast says 4 more inches. Good grooming snow! Temps tonight in low teens. 20’s during day til Wednesday. Precip Wednesday.  Not clear what kind yet.  Stay tuned.

Late Season Riding in Eagle River on the Sno-Eagles trails. Rode east trails & into Eagle River.   ALL conditions when riding. Taylor Lk & Pine Ln have ice & snow cover on the edges. It is worth riding especially heading into the woods trails.  Those trails are still in Good to Very Good shape.  Woods section on Trail 13N, 10E, 17N are still a good bet.  Photo on left is woods section of 10E last night’s grooming. New snow will help open areas & trails that are along the north side of east/west roads. Those require a bit of Adventure Sledding!  When riding can tell it’s mushy under the new snow. Water at many of the crossing as you get to the northern part of the trails that are in town.  Northwest on 10W/13N after crossing Wisconsin River Bridge is still tight.  Water/mushy in places, but safe. Typical late season riding.

Grooming resumed last night.  Combination of rolling, panning and grooming.  Groomed north from the groomer barn on 10W/13N all the way to Conover connect & then crossing Wisconsin River Bridge.  Groomed all 10W trails to include the club trail that run south to Hwy G.  Reminder that Trail 13Nc is closed.  Rest of 13N groomed. 

With the number of accidents & fatalities this season will keep reminding you:

When you come upon a group of sleds in front of you on the trail.  Passing them can get you in trouble.   Have been seeing this all winter.  When an entire group passes, by the time the last sled passes, a sled could be coming from the other direction.

Remember as you ride & meet a groomer the equipment is NOT able to leave the trail due to it’s weight.  Pull over & stop.  Wait for direction from the driver.  Give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!

Please ride on the right side, slow down, limit alcohol & no off trail riding.

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are still marked.  With the sun there is heavy surface slush on the SNOW. If a lake is not marked it probably is not safe.

Take the snowmobiliers pledge to protect snowmobiling access for today’s and future snowmobiliers.


Adventure Sledding Season! It’s not over.  See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTSWednesday & Thursday Guided Trail Rides – ON HOLD WAITING FOR SNOW.  Meet on Trail 10/13 in town at the Railroad Depot – To be sure the rides a “go” check out

March 15 – Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance – 6pm – Guides Inn – Boulder Junction
March 16 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting & Annual Election – 6pm – Eagle Waters Resort – Hwy 70E to Rangeline Rd
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
April 4, 2023 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting  – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
April 20, 2023 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting- 6pm – Blue Heron – Chain o’ Lakes Rd off Hwy 45N

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Has all trail alerts. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – March 11, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-12″

Date of Report: March 11, 2023

Area Report:

No evil sun today! All funded trails were groomed last night. The crew was surprised on how nice they turned out. Went out at 8am today and the trails were firm. The few spots that were bare the other day had a light snow covering on them, but over all, trails were in great shape. As the day warmed up a bit, the trails did turn soft. So be aware of changing trail conditions as you ride.

We are suppose to get a long snow event starting tonight into Monday morning. Totals they are saying will be 8-10″ when all is said and done. This will be different then getting 8-10″ overnight, as this will be a slow moving system. Then more snow Thursday into Friday. Hopefully we won’t have full days of sun Tuesday and Wednesday. 

We will continue to watch the temps and trail conditions to groom accordingly. 

News and Reports:

  • A reminder to ride between the orange blazers. Be careful in corners as there is an ice layer under the snow. Ride Right ➡️ Ride Safe.
  • To see where the Groomer is at, check out  Groomer Tracker  Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations.

Snowmobile Information:

March 17 – Fundraiser at Club 45. Annual St. Patricks Day Corned Beef dinner. Money raised at this benefit go to the Sno-Buddies for trail maintenance. Come out and enjoy a Corned Beef dinner provided by the Payne Family.

Trail Report – : Neillsville, Wisconsin – March 11, 2023

Reporter:Neillsville Granton Trailbusters

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 4-6″

Date of Report: March 11, 2023

Area Report:

The Neillsville-Granton Trailbusters trail system is OPEN and varies from Fair to Good conditions.  Be respectful, riding off the signed trails is trespassing and could lead to trail route closures and fines.

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – March 11, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 0-14 inches – Next SNOW tonight into Monday

Date of Report: March 11, 2023

Area Report:

March 11 2023 6:51am – 19 degrees – High 33

Late Season Riding

Late Season Riding in Eagle River on the Sno-Eagles trails.  Expect ALL conditions when riding.  Still worth riding especially heading into the woods trails.  Those trails are still in Good to Very Good shape.  Woods section on Trail 13N, 10E, 17N.  Then there are trail along a highway, especially on the north side of a east/west road.  Those require a bit of Adventure Sledding!  Same with wide open areas.  In town is covered except road crossing. Wet snow.  Water at many of the crossing as you get to the northern part of the trails that are in town. 

3 inches of SNOW did help a bit but need more.  That might happen starting tonight.  There is a Winter Weather Advisory that starts tonight through 4am Monday morning.  The advisory is for 5-8 inches.   The hour by hour looks closer to 5+.  Temps are going to be in the 20’s so it’s going to stick & should be packy SNOW.  Perfect for grooming!!!

Grooming resumed last night.  Combination of rolling, panning and some grooming. Nearly a complete session with the exception of Alt13S, 1 to Eagle Lake and 13N from after the Wisconsin River bridge crossing heading north. 

With the number of accidents & fatalities this season will keep reminding you when riding:

When you come upon a group of sleds in front of you on the trail.  Passing them can get you in trouble.   Have been seeing this all winter.  When an entire group passes, by the time the last sled passes, a sled could be coming from the other direction.

Remember as you ride & meet a groomer the equipment is NOT able to leave the trail due to it’s weight.  Pull over & stop.  Wait for direction from the driver.  Give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!

Please ride on the right side, slow down, limit alcohol & no off trail riding.

Catfish  Eagle lake trails are marked with orange reflective barrels.  Surface slush on the snow.  Stay by the barrels.

Take the snowmobiliers pledge to protect snowmobiling access for today’s and future snowmobiliers.


Adventure Sledding Season! It’s not over.  See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates


News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTS – . Wednesday & Thursday Guided Trail Rides – ON HOLD WAITING FOR SNOW.  Meet on Trail 10/13 in town at the Railroad Depot – To be sure the rides a “go” check out 

March 15 – Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance – 6pm – Guides Inn – Boulder Junction
March 16 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting & Annual Election – 6pm – Eagle Waters Resort – Hwy 70E to Rangeline Rd
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
April 4, 2023 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting  – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
April 20, 2023 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting- 6pm – Blue Heron – Chain o’ Lakes Rd off Hwy 45N

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Has all trail alerts. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!