Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – December 6, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: White

Date of Report: December 6, 2022

Area Report:


Trail Boss Rob and the wonderful volunteers of the Frosty Club have finished brushing and signing the entire system, Our trails will be inspected on Friday. Swamps need some more cold and then some snow and we will be ready to rock for the season.!

News and Reports:

December events

Frosty Benefit Breakfast at Sunrise Lodge Saturday and Sunday December 10 and 11. 7:30-11:00 am both days. $15.00 per adult with 100% of the proceeds going to trail grooming!

Snowmobile Safety Class December 27 at Town Hall. To register go to or email

1st ever Taco night with music and games at the VFW on December 29 5:30-9:00 pm. 

Snowmobile Information:

Ride safe and stay on the trail!

Trail Report – : Lake Gogebic | Bergland, Michigan – December 6, 2022

Reporter:AJ’s Walleye Lodge

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: Moderate

Date of Report: December 6, 2022

Area Report:

December 6, 2022


Groomers have been out getting work done on the trails and have accomplished a great deal.   Cold temps have helped to freeze the ground and 1-3 is forecasted for tomorrow and for several days next week so we are looking good.    Groomers are looking to hook up the drag and looking to do first groomer run tonight – probably on 8 E.

  • 13 South – has been signed and brushed.
  • 13N: all gates are open and the trail has been reported to be in great shape.   
  • Groomers are still working on the Trail 1 South re-route.
  • 8 west needs some additional cold in order to freeze, needs to firm up, and needs more snow in order to pack it in and let it freeze.
  • Trail 102 has been opened – it is passable – but very early conditions.
  • 1 North has been packed.

We know that everyone is anxious to get out and ride and please just remember that we have early season conditions but all the right things are being done to get the trails in great shape!   Much thanks to our groomers for all their perseverance and hard work!      

Trail Report – : Cable, Wisconsin – December 5, 2022

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0

Date of Report: December 5, 2022

Area Report:

Our snowmobile trails will open soon, check back here for updates!

News and Reports:

Our snowmobile trails will open soon, check back here for updates!

Snowmobile Information:

Our snowmobile trails will open soon, check back here for updates!

Trail Report – : Pit’s Corner – December 1, 2022

Reporter:Pit Grunt

Trail Conditions: Unknown

Snow Cover: Some spots good, other not so good

Date of Report: December 1, 2022

Area Report:

It December 1st. Trails have opened in the UP of Michigan. Some areas have good snow and other not so good. Check the area you ride. Most are packing trails and getting thing ready. Wetmore area has lots of trees down from wet heavy snow. They hope to have things ready by Saturday. The copper harbor are has no snow. The bridge is still up in Houghton. 
Check our reports before you drive up. 
Thank you Jeff

Wisconsin is not open.

Trail Report – : Lake Gogebic | Bergland, Michigan – December 1, 2022

Reporter:AJ’s Walleye Lodge

Trail Conditions: Poor

Snow Cover: Moderate

Date of Report: December 1, 2022

Area Report:

It’s December 1st – the official opening of snowmobile trails in the Lake Gogebic area.   Over the last 2 days the Lake Gogebic area has received about 20” of snow, but we need some cold temperatures in order to set a good base.   We are extremely fortunate as Groomers are able to get out on the trails this early in the season – many times Groomers can’t even get out on the trails till mid December.  

That said – there is still a lot of work that needs to be done and we are asking that everyone please be patient and let groomers get in and get these trails in good shape before we start to experiencing traffic on them.

Here’s the current conditions:

  • 8E has been completely signed and today it was a matter of clearing all the hangovers left from the last 2 days of heavy snowfall.
  • Groomers went in 13 South at the Root Cellar and then headed south until it got dark and then headed back.
  • 13N – not all gates are open, but you can still get through.   Hope to get them open in the next day or so. 
  • Trail 1 South on the West side of Lake Gogebic needs to be re-routed; groomers will get in there on Saturday and more than likely the 1 South will revert to the previous trail that we had a few years back.
  • 8 west needs to freeze, needs to firm up, and needs more snow in order to pack it in and let it freeze.
  • Trail 102 is currently closed; as there is a beaver dam that has flooded out a bridge about 13 miles north of Bergland.  
  • 1 North is getting packed tonight.

We know that everyone is anxious to get out and ride and we just ask that you let our Groomers get the trails in good shape which will make for much better trails throughout the season and help to extend the length of the season.    We will update you again at the beginning of next week.   Thanks very much and we do look forward to seeing everyone very soon!


Trail Report – : Dickinson County, Michigan – December 1, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0

Date of Report: December 1, 2022

Area Report:

Our trails will remain closed until December 15th.We have many miles of private land that our trails pass thru and many land owners Muzzle Load deer hunt.This ends on December 15th.If we have enough snow at this time,we will open the gates. 


Trail Report – : Chippewa County, WI – November 25, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0″

Date of Report: November 25, 2022

Area Report:

Things are starting to freeze.  Trails are being signed and cleared.  Come ride Chippewa County, a designated Snowmobile Friendly County by the Wisconsin Department of Tourism and Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC).

Trail Report – : Keweenaw Peninsula / Houghton-Hancock, South Range, Copper Harbor, Michigan – November 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 10″ – 12″ Base

Date of Report: November 22, 2022

Area Report:

Hello fellow sledders and welcome back to Snow Tracks. We have received close to 36″ of snow since November 10th. Trail 3 BN here in Toivola currently has 10″-12″ of snow on it. They are calling for warmer temps and very little snow between now and December 1st. With that being said, it is definitely early season riding conditions. Plus, there is a lot of standing water from all the rain we got a couple weeks ago. We need some cold weather for those areas to freeze up.
☠️ Stretch

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – November 21, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: Great Early Season Start

Date of Report: November 21, 2022

Area Report:

Looking out from Sunrise Lodge on the west shore of Lac Vieux Desert it is lightly snowing and the lake is frozen over. Walked out 100 yards today and stayed dry. DECEMBER 2 is our big brushing day. Meet at the Groomer Bard at 8 AM and we get the trails and signs ready for the season.

News and Reports:

Saturday and Sunday December 10 and 11 is the first Frosty Fundraiser of the season. All U Can eat breakfast at Sunrise Lodge. Come either or both days and your $15.00 ($5.00 for kids) goes 100% to trail grooming!