Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Cable, Wisconsin – December 27, 2022

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 4 – 8″

Date of Report: December 27, 2022

Area Report:

We are OPEN! 

News and Reports:

We are OPEN! Trails are cleared, rolled, and groomed! Thank you to all our groomers for all your hard work after days of heavy snowfalls and clearing lots of fallen trees.

Snowmobile Information:

WE ARE OPEN. As of 12/23/2022 NTG trails are 100% cleared. 100% rolled. 100% groomed. Please be respectful of all posted signage and private property that land owners are kind enough to let us use.

The Cable Area in Northern Wisconsin has over 1,200 miles of interconnecting snowmobile trail systems, making it one of the largest trail systems in the U.S. Uncrowded trails and the solitude of the Chequamegon National Forest bring snowmobilers back again and again to the Cable Area

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – December 27, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Looking Good! 12-16 inches or so

Date of Report: December 27, 2022

Area Report:

Groomers are out nightly and the trails are smooth and white.

Traffic is picking up for the Holiday weekend and the weather is going to be mild but not too warm so it should be a GREAT time to hit the trails in Land O Lakes.

News and Reports:

Hope to see you at the Frosty Club Taco and  Bingo Fundraiser at the VFW THURDASY DEC 29 5:30-9:00 PM. Call 715 547 3684 for more info.

Snowmobile Information:

Ride Right and Ride Safe. Stay on Marked trails and be careful on lakes.

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – December 27, 2022


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 6-9 inches of snow

Date of Report: December 27, 2022

Area Report:

By mid week we should be partially open.

Hayward Sno-Mads Snowmobile Club and Musky & Sno Club clubs, trail and grooming captains will continue to do the major clean up with contractors over the next few days and they will follow through with groomers. A target date for the trails such as 15, 77, 31, 8, 3, 21, 5, 63, along with other connectors which would be in the town of Hayward to the Seeley Hills to the north and west towards Nelson Lake, east towards Round Lake to Spider Lake areas to Lost Land area to Moose Lake area to the Bayfield Co line should be cleared, opened and groomed by late Wed to Thursday. So riding the wooded trails from north of Round Lake to Bayfield (which is open) will we hope, be rideable this weekend.

Reports from Winter Huskies Snowmobile Club are that Tuscobia has the big debris cleared and cut. They are asking if any riders would like to ride and clean up branches and down debris, specifically from Winter to the Price Co line. A saw may be nice to have with. The trails that spur off of the Tuscobia have had lots of large trees bent down onto the trails creating lots of walls so they continue to work on those to make passable not just for riders but for groomers. There is not a target date on those to be ready at this time.

Lakes; Lost Land Lake and Barker Lake are staked, there could be down stakes from the snow. Crews are packing the Flowage Tuesday and Wed in hopes of packing that snow and allowing it to freeze to create more ice but at this time there was not enough safe ice to stake, they continue to check daily so we will update when we here. Other area lakes have similar reports, not yet enough ice yet and a lot of slush and water so even if there was enough ice it is very difficult to get through. Again, crews that have a lot of knowledge and experience are packing lakes and swamps safely during the day in hopes of creating/freezing more ice at night so please do not ride the lakes until they have been declared safe, staked and open.

These are the only updates we have so far, many crews are out on many trails clearing and we will continue to share all and any info as it comes in. Until then please watch for updates and always ride with caution while they clean up as well as after as there most certainly will be branches that will continue to fall over the next few weeks.

Trail Report – : Hurley, Wisconsin – December 27, 2022

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-12

Date of Report: December 27, 2022

Area Report:

Trail progress is going great! We have successfully crossed the beaver pond on 8 West, connecting trails 15 and 77. We have also bridged and passed the 2 trouble areas on 15a and 15 North of 15a. After finishing our rolling efforts yesterday of the 15-30″ of new snow, we are back to drags today with 3 rigs working all day and night. Hopefully by the week’s end we will be able to work on the snow bridging efforts of the remaining sections of the 13’s. Heavy traffic and warmer temperatures over the next couple days will definitely influence our work. As of now, all open trails are in Good to Great condition. Please watch for deteriorating conditions as the temperatures warm up the next few days and with increased traffic. If you see any low-hanging branches, please help us by cutting/breaking them off.
PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAILS!! We work very hard to keep these great trails open and safe for your enjoyment. Don’t ruin this by off-trail riding or going beyond areas fenced as closed.

News and Reports:

Trail progress is going great! We have successfully crossed the beaver pond on 8 West, connecting trails 15 and 77. We have also bridged and passed the 2 trouble areas on 15a and 15 North of 15a. 

Snowmobile Information:

 After finishing our rolling efforts yesterday of the 15-30″ of new snow, we are back to drags today with 3 rigs working all day and night. Hopefully by the week’s end we will be able to work on the snow bridging efforts of the remaining sections of the 13’s. Heavy traffic and warmer temperatures over the next couple days will definitely influence our work. As of now, all open trails are in Good to Great condition. Please watch for deteriorating conditions as the temperatures warm up the next few days and with increased traffic. If you see any low-hanging branches, please help us by cutting/breaking them off.
PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAILS!! We work very hard to keep these great trails open and safe for your enjoyment. Don’t ruin this by off-trail riding or going beyond areas fenced as closed.

Trail Report – : Three Lakes – Brule River, Wisconsin – December 27, 2022


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 8-12”

Date of Report: December 27, 2022

Area Report:

Our trails are fully open and groomed. Trails are in good early season conditions. We are dealing with some mechanical problems on a groomer so the system is not getting groomed every day.
Lakes are not marked at this time.
Please stay on the trail.

This friday is our annual chili cookoff and meat raffle at Pine Isle starting at noon. Check our Facebook page for more details.


Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – December 27, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 14+- inches – Thin base

Date of Report: December 27, 2022

Area Report:

December 27, 2022 5:53am – 8 – High of 19 today


Not a lot of traffic on the trails.   Expect to find branches down on the woods trails.  Didn’t find any trees when I rode.  Wide open trails like on Trail 10 north & west of town there was drifting from the wind.  Some of the driveway crossings were plowed shut so watch for that. Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp is freezing up.  Trail 17S heading to the Sugar Camp trails connect still has mushy spots, but safe to ride. 

As for weather. This Wednesday the temps are going to pop up to the 30’s during the day & low 20’s at night.  Weather guys are forecasting mostly cloudy.  There is SNOW & sleet forecast.  This will last through the New Year.  Stay tuned.  THINK COLD

Grooming in full force.  The past nights during the high winds drivers have been focusing on trails in the wide open area to keep the drifting cleared & breaking through driveways to clear. With wind dying down, last night trails heading north, south & east were groomed.   Here’s what was groomed:

Trail 10W/13N to the Conover connect
Trail 10W/13N aka Wisconsin River Trail
Trail 13N aka Bauers Dam ALL were groomed
Trail 3N aka Manske Swamp
Trail 17N from 13/17 intersection to Trail 3N intersection
Trail 10/13 from groomer barn through town to Trail 10E
Trail 10E to include ALL the spurs – trail to Chanticleer, Granpa Grahm to Eagle Waters & 9 mile

As to the 2 lake trails Catfish & Eagle.  Lots of SNOW drifting with slush pockets.  Not marked.  Not safe.  NOT OPEN.

Two last reminders. Please no off trail riding.  Also as you ride you might meet a groomer.   They are big & can’t pull over for us.  So pull over & let the groomer driver direct you.  And oh ya give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!!!


See ya on the trails again real soon!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 – Weekly Trail Updates

News and Reports:


December 29 5pm – SNO the Thursday edition – Chanticleer Inn – E. Dollar Lk Rd off of Hwy 70E – 5pm
January 3 – Board of Directors meeting- 6pm – World Snowmobile HQ – Hwy 45N – Members welcome
January 12-15 – Vintage World Championship Race – WCDC Track
January 19 – Member meeting – Buckshots’s Downtown – 6:30pm
January 19-22 – World Championship Snowmobile Derby
January 27-29 – Weekend Away to Mole Lake Casino
January 28-30 – Women On Snow

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – December 26, 2022


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 12-14″

Date of Report: December 26, 2022

Area Report:

Trails are in excellent shape. Not all the lakes are marked yet, so remember, if it isn’t marked, it isn’t safe to cross yet. Pioneer Lake near Maple View has been marked.

Trails are smooth, corners are icy as usual with early season riding. You may encounter a tree down on a trail, so ride right, ride safe.  

News and Reports:

Trail boss Chad just reported this afternoon that he has made it through the swamp in the cemetery trail. At this time, it will remain closed until it can be panned and groomed (Intersection 723-724 south to Intersection 725). The rest of the trail is open from Monheim Rd (Intersection 728) south to Church Rd (Intersection 727) where you can access Pioneer Lake across to the boat landing off of Chicago Ave (Intersection 748). See link below for Vilas County Trails for a map with the intersection numbers on it. 

Snowmobile Information:

Our annual Poker Run starts December 24th and ends on March 4th. You can pick up game cards to be stamped at several locations in Conover, Eagle River, Phelps, and Land O Lakes. Draw party is March 4th. No need to be present to win. 

January 14th – 10am-2pm – Trailside Brat Fry. Meet Conover and Phelps snowmobile clubs at intersection 500 for Brats, Hot Dogs, Hot Chocolate. and s’mores. This is where 3 clubs meet on trail 6 and 8 along the power lines near Blong Rd. 

January 28th – 1pm-4pm – Chilli and Soup Cook-off at Wild Turkey. Entreries must be there by 12:45pm. Bring a crook pot full of your favorite recipe. Or stop by and be a judge on entreries. 

December 30th – 4pm-7pm – Town of Conover sledding party. Residents and visitors are invited to join in sledding and skating under the lights at the Conover Town Park. Sno-Buddies groomer will be giving sledders a lift to the top of the hill. Complimentary hot dogs, chips and hot cocoa available along with s’mores by the warming bonfires. Some loaner sleds and skates available on site. Contact 715-617-9500


Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – December 26, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Amazing

Date of Report: December 26, 2022

Snowmobile Information:

I went out on report patrol at 10:00, and ended up with 120 miles. Conditions are the best on our trails I have seen in three years.There are a lot of lower hanging trees on our club trails we could use some help with, as do a lot of clubs. Trail 17, the grade, is excellent. We did not groom a couple of days, but the trail is great – even up in the Powell Marsh. Trail 1., Stearns Lake Road, has a good layer of ice, and plenty of snow to bang on, and pull down. Trail 5 into the casino is great. F trail along highway F is good, and will get worked now that Keith and George fixed the negative power coupling on the falcon. No word on any lakes yet, so stay tuned on that. Lot of low branches, and some on the trail – please stop and toss them aside. But, no rocks or gravel poking out. Sled traffic was light this morning, but picking up. A lot of work was done this last week by a lot of great volunteers so we could open Friday. When we were selling raffle tickets for the Northern Hornshoes, a lot of people thanked us for the great trails, and the work we do. Thank your clubs, our sponsors, and our landowners. Ride safe. Mark

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – December 26, 2022

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 10″+

Date of Report: December 26, 2022

Area Report:

Washburn County Snowmobile Trails will remain closed at this time. With the adequate snow conditions from recent snowfall, there are numerous reports of trees down along trails throughout the county. Clubs are out working to clear trails of debris and will continue to work through the weekend to resolve the issue. We ask that you stay off the trails until open to ensure the safety of the crews working as well as you own. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 

Trail Report – : Lake Gogebic | Bergland, Michigan – December 26, 2022

Reporter:AJ’s Walleye Lodge

Trail Conditions: Unknown

Snow Cover: 20+

Date of Report: December 26, 2022

Area Report:

Good morning from Gogebic Area Grooming.   We received 20+ inches and in some areas reported to be 30+ inches of snow.  Groomer Greg went up 102 yesterday and the snow is very deep and has classified this most recent snowstorm as 2022 Snowmageddon!


Trails will continue to be opened up but at this time no drags will be pulled and grooming will not commence for a couple of days until everything is back under control.


Please bear with us as we are doing everything possible as quickly as possible.    There is some great riding to be had in the next few days and we will be working hard to ensure we get our trails ready for you to enjoy!