Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12-16 inches

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:

We received about 5-7” of fresh snow last night into today.  Temps will continue to drop into the teens through the weekend, which is great news, as we need some ice. Lakes are rough and slushy, please stick to the marked trails.

Groomers are out and will continue to be out through the rest of the week and weekend. The trails were rough after the weekend with the heavy traffic and warm temps that prevented groomers from getting out, so they have been out cutting and smoothing out some of the big moguls and rough spots.

Please be courteous of the groomers.  Move over when you see them, drive by at safe speeds, and stay on your side of the trail. Meeting a groomer head on or coming around a corner and riding up into the back of a drag will put a damper on your ride more than anyone else’s. Be smart!

Have a great weekend and ride safe!

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 6-10

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:


ZONE A TRAILS REMAIN OPEN WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE SECTIONS OF TRAIL BETWEEN INTERSECTIONS 49 & 58 AND INTERSECTIONS 21B & 22B WHICH WILL REMAIN CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. To view a map of where these closures are located, click here.  Downloadable Langlade County Snowmobile Trail Map is available by clicking here, stop in the Antigo · Langlade County Welcome Center located at 404 Superior Street in Antigo, or request one on our Contact Us page.

These Zone B trails will be open to ATVs on January 30, 2023. Zone A trails opened to ATVs on January 17. ATVs are not allowed on snowmobile trails when the temperature is above 28° F. UTVs are not allowed on the Langlade County Snowmobile trail system due to the weight and width of these machines.

The Langlade County Snowmobile clubs, sponsors, and operators of the existing trails, have put in many volunteered hours brushing, signing, and grooming to provide snowmobile trails for your use. Please support the snow clubs, thank them for their efforts and patronized their business sponsors.

All lake and river trails in Langlade County are considered unsafe and should not be utilized until they have been clearly marked by a local snowmobile club. As always, the Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department recommends riders stay on clearly marked trails. Please respect private property; use of trails across private lands is a privilege. Always exercise caution when riding a snowmobile. The trails are in early season condition some wet areas may be present due to rain earlier this week. Trail clubs report that trail surfaces were good to excellent following the latest snowfall.

Due to damage caused by the ice storm that hit Langlade County on December 15th we advise caution as the ice will continue to break trees for the foreseeable future.

For questions regarding specific trail conditions please contact the local snowmobile club or visit their social media pages.
For more information, please contact Al Murray, Forest Administrator or Cody Brauner, Langlade County Snowmobile Coordinator at 715-627-6300.

We hope that you enjoy the Langlade county trail system this winter and thank you for supporting the economy and businesses of Langlade County!

Al Murray
Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department 

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 6-10

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:



These Zone B trails will be open to ATVs on January 30, 2023. Zone A trails opened to ATVs on January 17. ATVs are not allowed on snowmobile trails when the temperature is above 28° F. UTVs are not allowed on the Langlade County Snowmobile trail system due to the weight and width of these machines.

The Langlade County Snowmobile clubs, sponsors, and operators of the existing trails, have put in many volunteered hours brushing, signing, and grooming to provide snowmobile trails for your use. Please support the snow clubs, thank them for their efforts and patronized their business sponsors.

All lake and river trails in Langlade County are considered unsafe and should not be utilized until they have been clearly marked by a local snowmobile club. As always, the Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department recommends riders stay on clearly marked trails. Please respect private property; use of trails across private lands is a privilege. Always exercise caution when riding a snowmobile. The trails are in early season condition some wet areas may be present due to rain earlier this week. Trail clubs report that trail surfaces were good to excellent following the latest snowfall.

Due to damage caused by the ice storm that hit Langlade County on December 15th we advise caution as the ice will continue to break trees for the foreseeable future.

For questions regarding specific trail conditions please contact the local snowmobile club or visit their social media pages.
For more information, please contact Al Murray, Forest Administrator or Cody Brauner, Langlade County Snowmobile Coordinator at 715-627-6300.

We hope that you enjoy the Langlade county trail system this winter and thank you for supporting the economy and businesses of Langlade County!

Al Murray
Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department 

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 12-15″

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:

There has been a recent dusting of snow across the county. Area Clubs & County Staff are continuing to maintain a close eye on trails and their conditions. All of the clubs are reporting the trails to be in great condition for riding. There are some areas and sections of trails getting soft with the recent rain and warmer temps at the beginning of the week. Cooler temps & more snow is in the forecast so the trail base should harden back up and create great riding for the remainder of the season. Please remember to ride with caution and stay on designated trail surfaces. Clubs are out grooming and maintaining the trails on a regular basis so please use caution when you encounter grooming equipment.

Snowmobile Information:

For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306
Visit us at for more information.

Click Here to order a Washburn County, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)

The Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area has over 250 miles of scenic, groomed trails. These miles of trails link up to the largest network of snowmobile trails in the Midwest. Visitors have remarked that “these trails are the best I’ve seen. They’re so well kept and they’re not crowded like other places we’ve been to, I’ll be back!”

The scenic beauty, wilderness sledding and abundant amenities, makes the area unmatched as a destination point for snowmobilers throughout the Midwest. The local snowmobile clubs have worked hard to develop and maintain routes that include a wide assortment of riding pleasures. The trails take you through, both private and public lands, over a variety of terrain including, forests, wetlands, farm fields, streams, lakes and bridges.

Within the Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area there are over 100 lodging establishments, from small motels to lavish resorts. There are even winter camping facilities available. Our true, northern hospitality really shines when you dine at one of the trail-side restaurants in Washburn County, Wisconsin.

Many unique dining experiences are available; one you may be familiar with is the Friday Night Fish Fry, a northern tradition. Dining establishments range from bar & grilles to supper clubs, family dining to unique dining train rides. With over 70 restaurants in Washburn County, you may need to plan more than one trip to choose your favorite. You will find a variety of restaurants in Washburn County Wisconsin, sure to tempt your taste buds and keep you coming back.

For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306 or CLICK HERE for your FREE trail map! Visit us at for more information.

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 12-15

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:

There has been a recent dusting of snow across the county. Area Clubs & County Staff are continuing to maintain a close eye on trails and their conditions. All of the clubs are reporting the trails to be in great condition for riding. There are some areas and sections of trails getting soft with the recent rain and warmer temps at the beginning of the week. Cooler temps & more snow is in the forecast so the trail base should harden back up and create great riding for the remainder of the season. Please remember to ride with caution and stay on designated trail surfaces. Clubs are out grooming and maintaining the trails on a regular basis so please use caution when you encounter grooming equipment.

Trail Report – : Mercer, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023


Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Varies

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:

Trail Report as of: January 18th, 2023
Mercer Area Sno-Goers Report:
8- good
8a- good (swamp still not groomed in middle)
9- fair
9a- fair
10 & 10a- fair
10e- fair
11- good
12-very poor (very wet hole) travel not advised
12a&b- fair
14- fair (half plowed) logging
17n- fair / poor
17s- fair
19- good
19b- fair
20- good
21- good
51e- fair
182b- very poor (wet spots) travel not advised
182- very poor (very wet spots) travel not advised
On this weekday report the recent rain and warm temp have hurt our trail system. We are hoping for cold temps and some new snow.
Swamps are not freezing or staying froze this year due to warm temps.
Trails 12 & 182 have large wet areas on them and are not passable. (We are working on solutions and/or ways around those issues)
MECCA Trail Report:
The rain has quit and temperatures have dropped, but no new snow has fallen. The trail base is refreezing and we have some new snow in the forecast for Thursday. We plan on grooming Friday morning for the weekend skiing. Fingers crossed for fresh snow!
Winman Trails:
Cross-Country Ski: ALL TRAILS OPEN
We continue to maintain a 10″ snow base. Team will be finishing up grooming all ski trails by 10am.
Skate lanes are firm, fast and in very good condition. Great day to skate ski if you have the chance.
Classic tracks are unfortunately icy despite the team tilling them up yesterday and resetting this morning. Due to the moisture content in the snow, ice was unavoidable this morning. If you choose to classic ski, understand it will be icy conditions.
We are expecting ~6″ of snow Thursday into Friday morning. The team will be working hard managing the snowfall to get everything ready for Saturday morning. Should be a great weekend on all the trails at WinMan this weekend.
Snowshoe: OPEN
Fat Tire Bike: OPEN- Trails are in excellent condition right now. Jeremy was out Monday afternoon in the rain/sleet reshaping and slap packing some berms. His efforts completely paid off with the best winter berms we’ve had at WinMan which should stand up for the remainder of the winter. Still need 2-4 psi. Top layer is hard and very firm but there is moisture content about 2″ down that is soft. Stay low on the psi until temps drop into the teens and freeze the entire base.
North Lakeland Discovery Center 12/26/22:
The trails are open and we have had foot and snowshoe traffic, but there may be some icy spots, so please use caution. All trails have been rolled/groomed and our maintenance staff set tracks for classic cross-country skiing on December 26th. Trails are in good condition!

Trail Report – : Sayner, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023

Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Better!

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:

Thank you!  Your snow dances worked!  Last night, Sayner got 6-7″ of much needed snow!  After the heavy traffic last weekend, followed by a couple days of warm temps, ice & rain, the trails were mostly down to the ice base.  This new snow paints a different picture.

The Sayner Barnstormers will resume grooming operations this afternoon/evening.  This new snow isn’t as wet & heavy as we would have liked, but it at least gives us something to work with.  It’s not the best packing snow, so we’ll see how well it stays in place after grooming.  Regardless, it should provide for some great riding for the next few days. 

With the Championship Derby this weekend, you can expect very heavy traffic.  PLEASE, be careful out there.  Stay right, especially when approaching corners.  When you push the limit on speed, you put many other people at risk.  Use the lakes, not the trails, for showing everyone how fast you can ride.  

TRAIL CLOSURE NOTICE:  Due to ongoing logging operations, the Barnstormer’s trail #51 is CLOSED between TIN 344 and 353!  DO NOT RIDE THIS SECTION OF TRAIL!

Mark your calendars for the following Barnstormer Fundraising Events!

Saturday, January 21, 2023:  Stillwaters Snowmobile Breakfast – 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

Saturday, February 4, 2023:  Annual Chili Dump – Join us at Murmuring Waters from 2:00 – 5:00 for our Annual Chili Dump.

Sunday, February 19, 2023:  Pizza Fundraiser – Join us at The Hillside Tavern and Grill from 4:00 – 8:00 for our Pizza Fundraiser!

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Thin Ice Base covered with 9+- inches SNOW

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:

January 19, 2023 10:55am – 25 – High 29

Trails Good to Very Good

SNOW has slowed.  9+inches. With couple more forecast today for wet packy SNOW.

Groomers went out very early this morning heading north on Trail 10W/13N.  Groomed to Conover connect, Wisconsin River Bridge heading west, Trail 10W/7 & Club trail that head south to Hwy G.  Also set to groom Trail 17N, 1N to Eagle Lake & Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp.  By end of tonight, Thursday all of Sno-Eagles Country will be groomed.   Full grooming throughout the entire weekend.

As you ride be aware of road clearing vehicles which can cause high snowbanks at road & driveway crossings.

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are open & marked & still safe.  Expect very slippery riding with SNOW cover.  Slow down. Always stay by the orange reflective barrels to be safe.

NOTE: Off of Trail 70W after entering St. Germain is a trail locals call “The Goat” trail.  It is a Club Trail that starts at TIN 287 to TIN 288 that is CLOSED.  It is clearly marked as CLOSED with fencing & signs.  Please do not ride through this area from either direction. DO NOT RIDE ON HWY 70 as this is not legal.

On snowmobile designated road routes need to follow the speed limit set for the road for all vehicles.

Last, off trail riding is a big problem.  PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAIL. 


See ya on the trails later today!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTS    –  For local events go to
January 19 – Member meeting – Buckshots’s Downtown – 6:30pm
January 21 – SNO(Saturday Nite Out) – Braywood – Catfish Lk Rd of Hwy 45S – 5pm -ALL Welcome
January 19-22 – World Championship Snowmobile Derby
January 27-29 – Weekend Away to Mole Lake Casino
January 28-30 – Women On Snow

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Crivitz, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023


Trail Conditions: Open

Snow Cover: 6-7.5” of new snow this morning

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:


The Iron Snow Shoe Trail is located north west of Crivitz. 

Groomers are out, please keep your eye out for them. RIDE SAFE

Trails are in early season riding conditions with a hard ice base in areas. 
lodging, gas & restaurants right on the trail.

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – January 19, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: White

Date of Report: January 19, 2023

Area Report:

Rode from Sunrise Lodge into Land O Lakes yesterday afternoon and trails were snow covered but choppy. Caught freshly groomed trail to Watersmeet and was happy to see groomers went both east and west and so did we—Excellent. Rode back to Land O and saw the Frosty Club groomer go by when we were at the Gateway so trail 6 home was Good. Now the best news is we have received 5 or so inches of white gold overnight so things are really shaping up nicely. All trails will be groomed again tonight and we should be looking forward to a fantastic weekend.

News and Reports:

Ride Right and Ride Safe

Stay on the marked trails

Stay by the barrels on marked lakes