Trail Conditions: Open
Snow Cover: 10-12
Date of Report: December 22, 2022
Area Report:
December 22, 2022
TRAIL STATUS: OPEN as of 12/23/2022
CONDITION: Poor to fair
With the recent wet, heavy snowfall and and a second storm coming this weekend, many Bayfield County trails are still in need of clearing trees and brush. Please contact a local club if you would like to help with any trail maintenance. See below for a trail update by club. Reminder: trails are in early season condition. Please ride with caution.
Barnestormers Trails are 50% open and groomed. Trail 31 south from Mulligan Creek road to Sawyer Co is not open. Spur trail connecting trail 31 and 61 is not open. Trails south of Hwy N are partially open with no connection to Drummond currently. There is an active logging operation on the west end of Town trail 7/17
Drummond Sno Jacks All trails are open. All trail have been groomed with the exception of the portion of trail 63 through the Bibon Swamp and the Lake Owen stick trail is not yet open. Please help pack trail 63 so it will freeze down and can be groomed.
Frostys vintage riders No report
Namakagon Trail Groomers All trails open. Club is asking for help packing marshes; trail 8 between Ehrman Rd and HWY M towards Clam Lake, trail 75 between Dam Rd and Crystal Lake Landing Rd, trail 70 behind Evergreen towards 70/75 T.
Northern Adventures All trails are open and groomed
South Shore Trails Club Trail 1 to Herbster is clear of downfall, passable but there are mud holes and trail is narrow. Ride with caution
Washburn Valhellers Trail 13 from Valhalla view pub & grub to trails 33, 31 and 63 (Moquah Spur trail) have been groomed one pass only (10 ft wide) Trail 13 from the corridor, north to Washburn and to Valhalla has also been groomed, one pass only. There is still some small debris to be cleared in some areas. Anyone with a snowmobile, chainsaw, clippers, or pole saw your help would be greatly appreciated. With only one pass completed, the trail is narrow and riders should use extreme caution watching for oncoming sleds.
Trail 1 from Mountain Rd to the Red Cliff casino is not open at this time
White River Ramblers All trails are open and groomed with the exception of a temporary closure of Trail 4 from Mason to Delta