Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Iron County, Michigan – January 24, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12-18 inches

Date of Report: January 24, 2023

Area Report:

Trails remain in good condition… groomers and operators are out daily. Reports coming in the trails are looking good.  There is still a closing on Trail #15 N to Trail #111…. there is a problem with one of the bridges on this trail.  Riding in any direction should be good for the week and weekend.. nice cold temps in the forecast.

Trail #2, Trail #16, Trail #116, Trail #107, Trail #113 and Trail #18 to Republic are all in Good to Very Good condition.

Trail #15 S. to Wisconsin is in Fair to Good condition.

Just a reminder that the corners can be a little icy so try to stay on your side of the trail.. and also there are different levels of riders out on the trails.. some starting to learn.. some seasoned and some well seasoned.  Please use caution and be patient when coming upon riders… pass at a stop sign.. pull over and let the faster riders behind you pass safely…. and don’t forget your hand signals.  All the things we were suppose to learn in snowmobile safety classes still apply everyone.  We all want you to get home safely after your snowmobile trip up north.  

Also, very IMPORTANT.  Give the groomer operators room on the trails if you see them and as always a Thumbs-Up never hurts… they keep your trails smooth!  😉

Happy Trails Y’all !!




Snowmobile Information:

Don’t forget Michigan has a “Free Snowmobile Weekend” coming up February 11th & 12th.  No Michigan permit is needed for your sled that weekend… but we all do hope you come up and ride here in Iron County more then just once this winter.. you’re going to “Love It” once you try it.  🙂

Trail Report – : Hurley, Wisconsin – January 24, 2023

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 12-16

Date of Report: January 24, 2023

Snowmobile Information:

The White Thunder Rider trails are mostly Good to Excellent at this time, with light snow falling. Groomer volunteers have been out regularly and even with the continued high traffic, the cooler temperatures have helped cement things in. Watch for a small area marked with cones along South Island Lake Road (trail 13) where we have tried to fill an active water area once again. A change in trail position onto the road is planned there today. Also slow down and watch for equipment and icy corners in logging areas. The trail 17 corridor continues to be groomed daily, and several sections multiple times, but this sugar snow just doesn’t set up as nice as the woods trails.
Ride Safe,, Ride Right, Watch for Groomers, Stay on the Trails, and Use Hand Signals.

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – January 24, 2023

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 10+

Date of Report: January 24, 2023

Area Report:

There has been a recent dusting of snow across the county. Area Clubs & County Staff are continuing to maintain a close eye on trails and their conditions. All of the clubs are reporting the trails to be in great condition for riding. There are some areas and sections of trails getting soft with the recent rain and warmer temps at the beginning of the week. Cooler temps & more snow is in the forecast so the trail base should harden back up and create great riding for the remainder of the season. Please remember to ride with caution and stay on designated trail surfaces. Clubs are out grooming and maintaining the trails on a regular basis so please use caution when you encounter grooming equipment

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 24, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 12+- Plenty of base – No change

Date of Report: January 24, 2023

Area Report:

January 24, 2023 7:21am – 24 – High 27

Very Good to Excellent

Trails have plenty of SNOW.  Temps for the next few days in the 20’s daytime & teens overnight.  Then on Saturday going forward temps will drop into single digit highs & below zero at night.  Looks like SNOW Thursday night into Friday.  No hard totals yet.  Looks like maybe 1-2 inches at best.  Best of all little or no sun until Saturday according to the weather guys.  Which means time to ride on great trails!!!

Trails are great!   Did not ride very far north but have to believe they are terrific because the trails east, west & south are Very Good.  Through town Good to Very Good.  Did not find any problems.

Groomers doing a fantastic job this season. Early panning built the base of ice that held up for the most part during the past major warm up. Last night groomed:

10W/13N heading north from the groomer barn to Conover connect
17N to 3N aka Manske Swamp
3N aka Manske Swamp
Headed west over Wisconsin River Bridge -10W/13N intersection
10W to Croker Rd
13N to Buckatabon Bridge

This very early AM grooming 17N & picking up 1N to Eagle Lake & touching up 3N. Plus Trail Alt13S to Three Lakes connect

Do know Eagle & Catfish Lake trails still have drifts off the marked trail so please stay by the orange reflective barrels.  Remember not all lakes are safe. 

NOTE: Off of Trail 70W after entering St. Germain is a trail locals call “The Goat” trail.  It is a Club Trail that starts at TIN 287 to TIN 288 that is CLOSED.  It is clearly marked as CLOSED with fencing & signs.  Please do not ride through this area from either direction. DO NOT RIDE ON HWY 70 as this is not legal.

On snowmobile designated road routes need to follow the speed limit set for the road for all vehicles.

Last, off trail riding is a big problem.  PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAIL & Take the Snowmobilers Pledge.


See ya on the trails real soon!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTS    –  For local events go to

January 27-29 – Weekend Away to Mole Lake Casino
January 28-30 – Women On Snow

February 7 – Board of Directors meeting – 6pm – HQ Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
February 10-12 – Pond Hockey – Dollar Lake – Chanticleer Spur trail off Trail 10E goes right by
February 12-15 – Weekday Away Ride to Mercer
February 16 – General Members meeting – Sweetwater 6pm – Hwy 45N
February 24-26 – World Series of Snowmobiling – WCDC Derby Track
February 25 – SNO (Saturday Night Out) Braywood Restaurant – 5pm – Catfish Lk Rd off Hwy 45S

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Rhinelander, Wisconsin – January 24, 2023

Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8″ with a solid base

Date of Report: January 24, 2023

Area Report:

With the base that was developed and the fresh snow from last week, the trails should be in good to great shape for awhile. There is enough snow for the groomers to work with.  Wtih the lack of snow in the south the amount of sleds in the Northwoods is very high.

Trails do get shoppy by nightfall due to the traffic, but the groomers have been able to smooth them out during their runs.  With all the traffic, stay right and be alert.

Come on out and enjoy the trails.  They are in the best shape of the season and look to stay that way.   

Stay close to the barrels when crossing lakes.

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – January 23, 2023


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 14-18 inches

Date of Report: January 23, 2023

Area Report:

It is a great time to ride the Frosty Club and surrounding area trails. Weekend traffic is gone and the groomers have worked their magic and trails are white and flat. Please ride responsibly and stay on the trails.

Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – January 23, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 4-10”

Date of Report: January 23, 2023

Snowmobile Information:

As reported this morning at O Dark 30, all Lac du Flambeau trails are in good condition for our MS riders that are coming in starting today. We will run a full grooming schedule this week. Lakes are marked, and are in generally good trail condition EXCEPT Fence Lake. We were geared up to mark it today, and Keith and George reported they tested the ice in several spots and there is only 2” of good ice under snow and honeycomb ice. We will not mark the routes this season and we advise extreme caution. Be safe and have fun. Mark

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – January 23, 2023


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 10-16”

Date of Report: January 23, 2023

Area Report:

All trails groomed again last night except the cemetery trail. Trail Boss Chad was in there on Friday and there was one soft spot in the swamp area. Not a problem right now with sled traffic, but the Tucker is a bit heavier. Rather than risk getting it stuck, he only went thru that section once and was leaving it alone to freeze up better. 
Other than that, all the other trails groomed in nice after the heavy weekend traffic. 

News and Reports:

We have a spot that sleds are riding off trail. This is on Trail 3 where sleds are going past a barrier and caution tape to ride on the ATV trail. We don’t have permissions for snowmobiling on this private land. Please stay on the trail. 

If you find a condition that you need to report to the Conover Sno-Buddies like a down tree, water on the trail, etc, either message us on Facebook, use the contact page on our website, or even notify a local establishment. They know how to get a hold of us to fix the issue. 

  • A reminder to ride between the orange blazers. Along Hwy K West, there were several 100 trees removed this summer to place new electric poles. Most of the stumps are still there. If you were to hit one, it could ruin your trip quickly. Ride Right ➡️ Ride Safe.
  • To see where the Groomer is at, check out  Groomer Tracker  Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations.

Snowmobile Information:

January 28th – 1pm-4pm – Chilli and Soup Cook-off at Wild Turkey. Entreries must be there by 12:45pm. Bring a crook pot full of your favorite recipe. Or stop by and be a judge on entreries. 

Our annual Poker Run starts December 24th and ends on March 4th. You can pick up game cards to be stamped at several locations in Conover, Eagle River, Phelps, and Land O Lakes. Draw party is March 4th. No need to be present to win.

February 18 –  Northwoods Blizzard Blast
Conover Community Park
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
A Flurry of Winter Fun for Everyone!

The Winter Event That Supports Local Fire and EMS Departments

Trail Report – : Lake Gogebic | Bergland, Michigan – January 24, 2023

Reporter:AJ’s Walleye Lodge

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Good

Date of Report: January 24, 2023

Area Report:


The Lake Gogebic Area has been an area of extremely high traffic and groomers have been doing all they can to keep up with the volume of visitors!   Thanks go out to the cold temperatures for coming in strong and helping to close up any remaining spots.  Cold temperatures are to remain constant this week with mid 20’s during the week and down into the teens in the evenings.   Snow is forecasted for several days this week and we will see what happens!  

  • Trail 8 East:  groomed Sunday night and is reported to be good, flat and fast!
  • Trail 8 West: Groomed Saturday and in good condition and water holes have sealed up!
  • Trail 13North: Also groomed Sunday night – it’s like a snow paved highway and reported in good condition.
  • Trail 1 North: was groomed Saturday night – good condition.
  • Trail 1 South: good condition
  • Trail 102: groomed  Saturday night.  In good condition.
  • Trail 100 and South end of Lake Gogebic – all trails have been groomed and reported in good condition.

Groomers will be out every night of the week – and let’s just keep our fingers crossed for snow!

Trail Report – : Kenosha County, Wisconsin – January 23, 2023


Trail Conditions: Closed

Snow Cover: 0-2

Date of Report: January 23, 2023

Area Report:

Yea we received some snow. Boo ! It wasn’t enough

There is a solar farm being constructed in the county. The boundaries are as follows.
Cty road KR to the North, 144 Ave to the East, Highway 142 to the South.
Highway 45 to the West…..There are some area west of Highway 45 that may be affected. The trails are marked through this area and it is imperative that snowmobiles stay on trails.