Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada

Eagle River, Wisconsin

Reporter:Holly t
Trail Conditions: Closed
Snow Cover: Very thin - zero base in most areas
Date of Report: March 11, 2025
Area Report:

March 11, 2025 – 8am – 24 – High today 45 – Low tonight 24

Temporarily CLOSED


The 11 Clubs of the Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance took a vote & the announcement on the left tells it all.  VILAS COUNTY TRAILS TEMPORARILY CLOSED.

It was a much better season than last year & this last weekend was a bonus! Right now the Fat Lady is Singing.  Just maybe one more weekend before we must closed at midnight on March 31, 2025???



Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
Remember……Wherever you are RIDE RIGHT & SLOW DOWN


News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES  & EAGLE RIVER EVENTS – Everyone & Anyone Welcome – Member or Non Member

Snowmobiling Information

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas Cty.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours

Eagle River has long held the distinction of SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, and it’s a matter of pride that causes local clubs and businesses to work so diligently to maintain that title. Snowmobile fever becomes a way of life in our Eagle River winters, and the talk often turns to “picks”, “carbides” and performance. In fact, these snow machines seem to outnumber cars during the winter months.

Over 500 MILES OF GROOMED TRAILS connect the communities of the area, including access to major county and state routes. Trails wind throughout the area’s scenic forests, but frequently pass close to service businesses which can provide you with fuel and sustenance, shelter and refreshment. If you don’t have your own snowmobile, several dealerships will be happy to provide you with equipment during your visit.