Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers
Trail Conditions: Open
Snow Cover: 3 to inches in the woods
Date of Report: January 5, 2019
Area Report:
Trail Conditions: Open
Snow Cover: 3 to inches in the woods
Date of Report: January 5, 2019
Area Report:
Many riders are reporting better conditions than they had expected. Early season conditions prevail, meaning, many holes & ruts have not been filled yet – so – actual conditions will vary from great to poor. Corners are icy.
We had temps in the low 40s yesterday (Friday 1/4/19). Temps will be about the same today. Exposed high traffic areas will suffer.
The forecast is calling for 3 to 5 on Sunday and then snow off and on for the next 3 days. Lets hope they are right.
As always – do not cross lakes that are not marked. Lake Minocqua is still not marked due to insufficient ice under the Hwy 51 Bridge.