Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails
Trail Conditions: Early Season
Snow Cover: 8-12" of snow in the woods
Date of Report: December 26, 2019
Area Report:
Trail Conditions: Early Season
Snow Cover: 8-12" of snow in the woods
Date of Report: December 26, 2019
Area Report:
This warm-up is not helping the trail system. There is still plenty of snow on the trails. There are a few wet areas that haven’t froze up tight, but they are not to the point of sleds getting stuck. All land based trails within the Hodag SnoTrails system are now open. The trails have all been packed with the machines. We are waiting for the some more cold weather before they will be out with the drags.
The majority of the lakes have not been marked at this point. We are not recommending crossing any bodies of water until they are marked.
You can get out and ride, just know where you are going and be aware of the stated conditions.