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Trail Report: Oconto County, Wisconsin – December 18, 2016
Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 5-8
Date of Report: December 18, 2016
Area Report:
Townsend – Well your Snow Dances worked, We received about 8?-10? of snow from the big storm depending which area you were in because it varied yesterday throughout the system I noticed while grooming. Enough of the small talk, because this is what you want to hear.
THE TRAILS OPEN TODAY! Be careful as I said Friday, this is early season riding, it is far from perfect but it is riding. Be careful for an occasional rock and some ruts. They filled in pretty well while grooming but be on guard. The east side of Townsend trails are nicer right now mainly because of the lack of big rocks. The west side is decent but be alert for rocks and ruts. Things looked very beautiful with the new fallen snow on things yesterday while grooming. It got cold last night so hopefully the base on the trails should have frozen good and hard for riding today.
Lakewood – The trails were groomed on Saturday and will open for the 2016-2017 season at 8 am Sunday December 18th. The trails are in very early season condition. Watch for ruts and rocks until we get more snow to work with. Ride safe !!!
Chute Pond Snowmobile Club – Chute Pond trails are open. Trails are in “very early season” condition, with some exposed rocks and some thin and wet low spots that have not frozen up yet. Most trails are panned- the main exception being the pipeline trail. Areas we recommend you avoid until they freeze up: pipeline trail, trail from Junction to pipeline, 18 Corridor from Neligan Rd to Crooked Lake, trail from Old 64 north to Bowman air strip, north of Hwy W near the old Pine Grove. These areas have substantial wet & muddy areas which could cause issues for you and your sled. Please use extra caution and courtesy as you enjoy our early season trails.
Oconto Falls – Please read entire post!!!! As of 1 pm today, Oconto Falls trails will be open with the exception of the trail from Hazelnut lane to the river. We strongly advise against any river travel until ice conditions are safer. Also, we have not groomed yet so be aware of dangers that may be hidden under the snow. We hope to groom this coming week but as of now, there are swamps not frozen enough to support the groomer. Please tread lightly and stay on the trail.
Lena – The Lena Snow drifters trail system is open! Only exception is where the trail crosses county J and Logtown road due to standing corn. Groomers are out but expect early season trail conditions. Wet areas and thin snow on plowed fields.
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