Trail Conditions: Closed
Snow Cover: 1-3"
Date of Report: January 13, 2025
Area Report:
Iron County Trails will open to snowmobiles on Thursday, January 16th at 7am.
Trails will be early season riding conditions.
The Turtle Flambeau Flowage has been marked 100%. Please stay on the marked trail as it has been rerouted this year due to massive ice heaves.
Throughout the week our volunteers will be out grooming and checking trails to give you the best riding experience possible.
Please support our business sponsors and be extra gracious this year as the weather has been so unpredictable. Our 18th Annual Winter Blast is on Saturday from 8am-10pm, please check out our facebook page for more details.
Thank you for your support,
Mercer Area Sno-Goers Board of Directors