Trail Conditions: Closed
Snow Cover: It is white
Date of Report: December 11, 2018
Area Report:
The Frosty Club trails have passed inspection and we are awaiting a county wide opening date, Hopefully soon. Swamps are solid so we are just waiting for the opening bell and some more snow. Not a Great Forecast. The groomers are out panning and are actually grooming some of the trails in the UP, eh. Lac Vieux Desert is marked with barrels from Sunrise Lodge to the West shore boat landing and over to Thunder Bay Resort.
News and Reports:
Sunrise Lodge is hosting the Snowmobile Club Benefit Breakfast this Saturday and Sunday from 7:30 AM until 11:00 AM. $12.00 for Adults and $5.00 for kids—ALL U CAN EAT breakfast. All money taken in goes to Trail Grooming. Call Phil at 715 547 6199 for more info.
Snowmobile Information:
Snowmobile Safety Class is a Go. A one day class between Christmas and New Years. Call Sarah at The Alley for more info.