Trail Conditions: Not Ridable
Snow Cover: 3-4 inches
Date of Report: January 17, 2025
Area Report:
Not much new to report on at this time. We received a couple of inches of snow this past Sunday… but need at least 10 inches before groomers will be able to get onto the south and eastern trail system. Our base remains good with lots of ice… and will through-out the next week or so with the “Cold” front moving in this Sunday January 19th. The positive on the cold weather.. it helps keep the base good that we have. It will also help any new snow we get, to stay around a little bit longer.
News and Reports:
Winter Fest has been canceled this weekend at Young’s Recreational Center. They do live music playing This Saturday evening.
This is Michigan’s scheduled “Free Snowmobile” weekend! Rideable snow can be found north of us by Sidnaw and perhaps up in the Keweenaw Peninsula if anyone is planning on coming up riding this weekend.
If you enjoy “Ice Fishing” reports are great. Plenty of ice and the fishing has been pretty good too!!
Snowmobile Information:
So far this winter season… snowfall has been low. Trails are open, but conditions are not in good standings at this time. We have a good ice base… with approximately 3 to 4 inches of snow on the trails themselves. Again, better riding can be found if you travel north about 25 miles.
Snowmobile permits can be ordered online in advance.. or picked up in local gas stations in Iron River or Crystal Falls.
Trail maps can be picked up at several local businesses, such as motels, gas stations and the Iron County Chamber office in Iron River Michigan.
Please continue to check back in with us regarding any changes in trail conditions. As SOON as we get good snow for trail riding… We will let you know.!! Come on everybody let’s do the SnowTwist !! 🙂