Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 4-6 inches
Date of Report: December 28, 2020
Area Report:
Great news! The Tuscobia from Winter to the Price County line has been groomed as well as from Winter to Lemmington.
Please note on trail 18 along Hwy CC for about a mile stretch had been clear cutter of branches by Jump Electric. Their chipper went down and they were unable to clean up the debris right away, they will be back but in the mean time please be aware.
ICE HEAVE ALERT: To all snowmobilers who cross Big Round Lake. There are several lines of ice heaves both in the middle of the lake and heading towards Leader Bay. These are extremely dangerous and difficult to see. In this case, there are two major heaves that run right across where the main trail path exists. These heaves run hundreds of yards long. Hitting one of these is like hitting a brick wall. Please be aware of these and keep your speed in check as you cross the lake.
News and Reports:

Snowmobile Information: