Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada

Trail Report – : Ely, Minnesota – February 21, 2019

Ely, MN Chamber of Commerce

Reporter:Ely Chamber of Commerce/Explore MN Visitor Center
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 22"
Date of Report: February 21, 2019
Area Report:

Taconite/David Dill State Trail
Snow: 15-30”
Base: 2-5”
Groomed: Yes
Condition: Very Good
The entire Taconite is groomed and in very good condition. Be aware of logging operations on and around the trail just west of Hwy 1, south of Ely.
The spur trail leading from the Taconite to the Oasis Bar and Grill in Britt has been rerouted due to landowner issues. The reroute goes from the Taconite east of Hwy 53 (opposite side from the Oasis) to Peppard Rd, crosses Hwy 53 at the Peppard Rd Jct, and follows the ditch south to Peel Rd and to the Oasis.

Putnam/Fishing Lakes Trail – is groomed and in very good condition. Be aware of an open spring just off the trail as you go around Putnam Lake.

Lake Vermilion- Soudan Underground Mine State Park Trail– is groomed and in very good condition.

Tomahawk Trail – is groomed and in good condition. With more snow on the way, teams hope to have everything groomed by the weekend.

Arrowhead State Trail
Snow: 15-30”
Base: 2-6”
Groomed: Yes
Condition: Very Good
The entire Arrowhead is groomed and in very good condition. Be aware of logging activity on and around the trail going north from Hwy 1 toward Lost Lake swamp. Also, use caution going north from the Orr North trail as there will be logging traffic sharing the trail with snowmobiles. The west side of the trail will have snow for snowmobiles while the east side will be maintained for logging vehicles

News and Reports:

Pink Ribbon Riders 2019 Snow Run Tour – February 22-23

WolfTrack Classic Dog Sled Race – February 23-24