Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada

Trail Report: Cable, Wisconsin – March 3, 2017

Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 0-3"
Date of Report: March 3, 2017
Area Report:
Trails are partially open in Bayfield County.
Come on up and enjoy Weenie Weekend!
The Namakagon Trail Groomers are opening the sections of snowmobile trail from Lake Namakagon to Pioneer Bar and from Rock Rd. to Evergreen Bar for this weekend only!  ATV’s and UTV’s must use road routes, NOT the snowmobile trails. 
Most of the County received some fresh snowfall on Tuesday.  As a result, snowmobile trails NORTH of Highway 2 will be open starting Thursday (3/2/17).  However, most trails are not groomed and all are in highly variable condition.  Expect trail conditions to range from extremely poor to good.  As always, please use extreme caution when operating on the trails. 
The numerous warm spells have also created various issues.  Many swamps, lakes and wet areas are not frozen; large rocks may be exposed; some fields and open areas may have little, if any, snow; and many trails could be icy or otherwise very rough.  Road routes may also have very little snow cover.  
With the forecasted warm weather this weekend, expect trails conditions to deteriorate rapidly.  As a result, it is very likely that all trails will be closed again early next week.