Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 7-9 Inches
Date of Report: January 3, 2018
Area Report:
Trail report for January 3, 2018, Fair to good condition. Looks like we got a little bit of snow last night but could always use more. We have been out grooming and the cold weather has saved the snow we have gotten from melting. We may get a little lake effect snow in the next day or two but no significant amounts. The cold is supposed to stay for a while longer. Use precautions to prevent cold weather injuries. Use caution in active logging operations where low snow conditions exist. Be careful in the corners on the trail. They are getting bare and icy. Groomers can be out on the trails any time. Take all directions from the groomer. Please stay on the marked trails. Remember to be safe, ride right, and enjoy the ride.
Jim (Hammy) Hamilton-BJSC President
Check out snow conditions by viewing our WEBCAM located outside the Chamber office on Hwy M.
Join us for these upcoming events:
January 6: Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Brat Fry
January 14: Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Breakfast
February 3: Frozen Tozen Ice Fishing Tournament
February 17: Forest Frenzy Winter Triathlon
February 18: Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Breakfast
March 3: Boulder Junction Snowmobile Cabin Fever Party