Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 12-16 Inches
Date of Report: January 18, 2023
Area Report:
January 18, 2023
It was a very busy holiday weekend! Fortunately, the rain and warm temps held off until the weekend was over as the combo of the two made the conditions rough. Groomers have not been out the last two days as the temps were warm and conditions were soft so the groomers would just do more damage than help. However, the temps are starting to drop back down to below freezing today and will continue to be below freezing through the week and next week; and the end of next week looks to bring a cold snap which will be great for lakes and wetlands.
Starting today, Wednesday, and this evening, groomers will commence their schedules. The forecast also calls for a few inches of fresh snow on Thursday, which in combination with the snow we already have should make for great trail conditions this weekend.
Lakes have been rough. The heavy snow this season and lack of cold weather has made for rough lake trails and very slushy off -trail situations. As always, please stay on the marked trails and ride safe from point A to point B. All lakes are staked except for Lake Hayward. It is not yet staked due to the entrance/exit behind Market Place being open and swampy. However, Sno Mads snowmobile club did push snow into that area and pack it down in hopes it will start to freeze so we will update with that status of that as we monitor. Do note you can still easily get around Hayward without having to go on the lake.
As groomers begin again you can monitor their progress on the GTS app. There are a few hours lag in the app noting newly groomed trails for safety reasons, also some areas are very low in cellular service which is what the tracking systems need so there will be a delay in some areas reporting such as Flambeau Forest area.
Have a great weekend and ride safe! See you on the trails!