Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 28, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Snow with ice base

Date of Report: February 28, 2023

Area Report:

February 28, 2023 – 9:172am – 23 degrees – High 38 degrees

Trails Good but very icy underneath

While all the trails in Sno-Eagles Country, Eagle River are on average Good.  They are ice based & SNOW covered making them slippery or “fast”.  More new SNOW yesterday was wet & packy & looks to be 4+ inches on the trails this morning. Riding when it’s snowing is great.  Trails were SNOW filled on Trail 10E except under the tall pines where the SNOW can’t get through to the trail as well.  Be aware that road crews are out clearing SNOW.   Road crossings have high banks.  Plus the heavy SNOW has caused low hanging branches.   Very hard to see a head so SLOW DOWN.

As for temps in the 30’s so that will impact the SNOW & conditions.  Open areas will soften up & there will be burn through areas.   The end of February into March brings days where the sun is out longer. Next SNOW forecast for tomorrow, Wednesday. 1.5 inches forecast.

Touch up grooming last night with the groomer leaving the barn on Trail 10W/13N heading north to the Trail 17N intersection.   Heading northeast on Trail 17N to the Trail 3N aka Manske Swamp intersection & back.   Limited grooming until the temps drop.

Important info this morning:

When you come upon a group of sleds in front of you on the trail.  Passing them can get you in trouble.   Saw several groups meet other groups.  The entire group passed the group they come upon.  Not a good idea.  By the time the last sled passes a sled could be coming from the other direction.

Remember as you ride & meet a groomer the equipment is NOT able to leave the trail due to it’s weight.  Pull over & stop.  Wait for direction from the driver.  Give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are still marked.  SNOW is moguled in sections so SLOW DOWN. Found this on most marked lakes in Vilas County. With the sun today surface slush will form.

Take The Pledge, Protect Snowmobiling access for today’s and future snowmobilers (



See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTS  – Wednesday & Thursday Guided Trail Ride s– 9:30am-3:00pm.  Meet on Trail 10/13 in town at the Railroad Depot

March 4 – Mules UpNorth – Chef Rene’s at the Eagle River Inn – 6pm-9pm
March 7 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
March 16 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting & Annual Election – 6pm – Eagle Waters Resort – Hwy 70E to Rangeline Rd
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
Check out for more area events

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Has all trail alerts. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 28, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Plenty of SNOW cover hard ice base

Date of Report: February 28, 2023

Area Report:

February 28, 2023 7:32am –  23 degrees – High 38

Trails Good but very icy underneath

While all the trails in Sno-Eagles Country, Eagle River are on average Good.  They are ice based & SNOW covered making them slippery or “fast”.  More new SNOW yesterday was wet & packy & looks to be 4+ inches on the trails this morning. Riding when it’s snowing is great.  Trails were SNOW filled on Trail 10E except under the tall pines where the SNOW can’t get through to the trail as well.

As for temps in the 30’s so that will impact the SNOW & conditions.  Open areas will soften up & there will be burn through areas.   The end of February into March brings days where the sun is out longer. Next SNOW forecast for tomorrow, Wednesday. 1.5 inches forecast.

Touch up grooming last night with the groomer leaving the barn on Trail 10W/13N heading north to the Trail 17N intersection.   Heading northeast on Trail 17N to the Trail 3N aka Manske Swamp intersection & back.

Important info this morning:

When you come upon a group of sleds in front of you on the trail.  Passing them can get you in trouble.   Saw several groups meet other groups.  The entire group passed the group they come upon.  Not a good idea.  By the time the last sled passes a sled could be coming from the other direction.

Remember as you ride & meet a groomer the equipment is NOT able to leave the trail due to it’s weight.  Pull over & stop.  Wait for direction from the driver.  Give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!

Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are still marked.  SNOW is moguled in sections so SLOW DOWN. Found this on most marked lakes in Vilas County. With the sun today surface slush will form.

Take The Pledge, Protect Snowmobiling access for today’s and future snowmobilers (



See ya on the trails!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates

News and Reports:

SNO-EAGLES EVENTS  – Wednesday & Thursday Guided Trail Ride s– 9:30am-3:00pm.  Meet on Trail 10/13 in town at the Railroad Depot

March 4 – Mules UpNorth – Chef Rene’s at the Eagle River Inn – 6pm-9pm
March 7 – Sno-Eagles Board Meeting – 6pm – Snowmobile Museum – Hwy 45N
March 16 – Sno-Eagles General Member Meeting & Annual Election – 6pm – Eagle Waters Resort – Hwy 70E to Rangeline Rd
April 1 – Groom to Ride Raffle Drawing & Bucket Raffle – 1pm – WCDC – Hwy 45N
Check out for more area events

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Has all trail alerts. Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – February 28, 2023

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 18″-24″

Date of Report: February 28, 2023

Area Report:

We received 6″+ yesterday of some heavier, wet snow.  Groomers are out this morning and trails should be in Good to excellent condition.  High today of 38 with sunny skies.  They are sayingf another 2″-4″ of snow tonight into tomorrow.  Looks like we have have some great riding coming up for the early part of March. Corners and hills are still icy and will be for the rest of the season.  Please use common sense out on the trails.  It could save you a trip to the hospital or safe your life.  “Ride Right”!  Stay to the right, slow down, stay on the trail, don’t drink and drive and don’t ride deyond your abillities.  We want you to enjoy sledding in Vilas County and want you to come back again and again.

News and Reports:

Phelps Cash Raffle until March 9th.

CA$H Raffle – The Phelps Snowmobile Club is holding a CA$H Raffle that will run throughout the snowmobile
season. The winners will be drawn at our last monthly dinner Meeting on March 9, 2023 at the Sand Lake Pub.
Ticket cost is $50. Only 250 tickets will be sold, and you do not need to be present to win. First prize is $3000,
second prize is $1500, third prize is $750, fourth prize is $500, and fifth prize is $250. Currently tickets are for
sale at the Sand Lake Pub, The Habit, Brule River Tap, Dublin’s, The Great Escape, and Hillside. Tickets are also
available by contacting a Board Member.

Snowmobile Information:

Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – February 28, 2023


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 6-10″

Date of Report: February 28, 2023

Snowmobile Information:

Hornshoe Trails had 6-8″ of new snow today.The entire trail system was groomed tonight. The snow has some decent moisture content, and seemed to pack down pretty well. Trail 1, Stearns Lake road, has a lot of snow. 17 from Woodruff all the way to Raven Lake is excellent. Raven Lake area with the tight corners has plenty of snow, but the previous snow was blown out of the corners so it was like trying to level out and groom the Bristol Motor Speedway. Since we do not supply Depends, I tried not to soil myself when the tractor had a severe list. (Arr)  I did not see evidence that riders are taking the high side on the outside of corners.Trail 5 into the casino is excellent. 17 North from 5 to Powell Lake Marsh is very good. Out in the open by the bridge, there is a decent covering of snow, and the wind has been drifting the snow to give us more to work with. Must have seen 40 sleds tonight – every single one slowed down around the groomer, and were polite, using signals. Lots of waves and thumbs up. No one terrorized the fresh grooming. One girl stopped alongside me, and gave me a big smile, and a thumbs up. Another guy pulled up close, and either prayed for me, or was very thankful for the grooming, with his hands together. Warmer days, but in the teens at night this week. We are a go at throttles up for the week. Mark

Trail Report – : Tomahawk, Wisconsin – February 27, 2023

Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6″

Date of Report: February 27, 2023

Area Report:




With over a foot of new snow, groomers are out packing and trail conditions are good. Corners and high-traffic areas may remain icy and drifting snow is likely. Please use caution.

Zone 1 Trails remaining closed are as follows: Trail 86 from Intersection #25 to the Taylor County Line. Corridor 21 from Hwy M north of Homestead Road to the Taylor County Line.

ATVs are only allowed on designated trails when temperatures are below 28F and after snowmobile trails have been open for 1 week. No UTVs.

As always, we remind riders to stay on marked trails. Off trail riding is trespassing and could result in closure or loss of trails and citations and fines for those who participate.

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – February 27, 2023


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Best of the season

Date of Report: February 27, 2023

Area Report:

Trails are in Very good to Excellent Condition as it is snowing pretty good outside…already 3 inches of new powder. 

Be careful as some corners are still very icy.

Ride Right and Ride Safe. 

Lakes are still marked and the barrels will be removed in the next couple of weeks or when conditions warrant.

News and Reports:

Stay on the marked trails!

Snowmobile Information:

Thanks for coming to The Alley for Candlelight bowling Saturday night….a great turnout and a great time!

Next Up Cash Raffle Drawing!

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – February 27, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-10 inches

Date of Report: February 27, 2023

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Monday, 2/27/2023

At 8:00 a.m. it’s 24 degrees out with overcast skies and a high of 16 degrees for today. We are expecting a 3”-5” snowfall later today.

We lost a track on our John Deere Saturday and we are now down to our New Holland to do all our grooming. If we can locate a track and install it, we will be put it back in service before seasons end.

We last groomed 8E and 15S early Sunday morning and will be grooming 2W, 8W, and 51 this afternoon into the evening.

With the new snow coming and cool temps, are trails will be in very good condition for our mid-week riders.

Please “Ride Right” and enjoy our area trails and businesses!

Check in for an updated trail report on Wednesday, March 1.

Landy Roepke

BJSC Trail Manager

Show your support and join the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club for their annual Cabin Fever Party at Gooch’s 2 Bar & Grill Saturday, March 4th from 2pm-9pm! Raffles, all-you-can-eat broasted chicken with all the fixings, and more!

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – February 27, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 12-18

Date of Report: February 27, 2023

Area Report:

Most trails were groomed on Sunday night. The east side of Conover groomed in nice. The sun was out on Sunday and did soften some of the snow. As long as the sun didn’t melt the entire snow base, it aided in grooming by having some moisure in it. There were a few bare spots. Some I was able to pull snow into and cover, others I couldn’t. 

They are calling for sleet to change to snow today. Reports of 3-5″ when done. Hopefully we get all snow and no sleet. Ground temps are below freezing, but the over riding warmer temps  in the upper atmosphere  can be above freezing. 

As we get late in the season, we will be watching more closely the temps and overall snow base. We may skip some days or sides of town for grooming. Trying to keep the season going as long as we can.

Sadly, there was another snowmobile fatality early this morning. That is number 12 for the State and number 6 for Vilas County this year. Please Slow Down! Ride Right, Ride Safe.

News and Reports:

  • A reminder to ride between the orange blazers. Along Hwy K West, there were several 100 trees removed this summer to place new electric poles. Most of the stumps are still there. If you were to hit one, it could ruin your trip quickly. Ride Right ➡️ Ride Safe.
  • To see where the Groomer is at, check out  Groomer Tracker  Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations.

Snowmobile Information:

Our annual Poker Run  ends on March 4th.  Draw party is March 4th at Twin Lake Pub. No need to be present to win.

March 17 – Fundraiser at Club 45. Annual St. Patricks Day Corned Beef dinner. Money raised at this benefit go to the Sno-Buddies for trail maintenance. Come out and enjoy a Corned Beef dinner provided by the Payne Family.


Trail Report – : Hurley, Wisconsin – February 28, 2023

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 8-12

Date of Report: February 28, 2023

Area Report:

Winter Storm Warning is in effect

Snowmobile Information:

It’s another 20 degree day so far in Hurley Wisconsin, and a Winter Storm Warning is in effect. Another 6 inches of snow is predicted! Groomers have been out all night and are heading out again this morning.

Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – February 27, 2023

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 15″-20″

Date of Report: February 27, 2023

Area Report:

Good Monday morning.  Hope you all had a safe weekend and got out to ride.  Looked like a great number of you did.  The Phelps trails are being groomed as I type.  The fluffy snow we received last week has settled in and the sun seemed to work on it to make it a bit packy.  3″-5″ of wet snow are forecast for today.  Once we get back out grooming, after the snow, we should have some great late season riding.  Be aware of an ice heave on the North Twin Lake Trail.  Slow Down and “Ride Right”

News and Reports:

Phelps Cash Raffle until March 9th.

CA$H Raffle – The Phelps Snowmobile Club is holding a CA$H Raffle that will run throughout the snowmobile
season. The winners will be drawn at our last monthly dinner Meeting on March 9, 2023 at the Sand Lake Pub.
Ticket cost is $50. Only 250 tickets will be sold, and you do not need to be present to win. First prize is $3000,
second prize is $1500, third prize is $750, fourth prize is $500, and fifth prize is $250. Currently tickets are for
sale at the Sand Lake Pub, The Habit, Brule River Tap, Dublin’s, The Great Escape, and Hillside. Tickets are also
available by contacting a Board Member.

Snowmobile Information: