Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: 12-18
Date of Report: February 27, 2023
Area Report:
Most trails were groomed on Sunday night. The east side of Conover groomed in nice. The sun was out on Sunday and did soften some of the snow. As long as the sun didn’t melt the entire snow base, it aided in grooming by having some moisure in it. There were a few bare spots. Some I was able to pull snow into and cover, others I couldn’t.
They are calling for sleet to change to snow today. Reports of 3-5″ when done. Hopefully we get all snow and no sleet. Ground temps are below freezing, but the over riding warmer temps in the upper atmosphere can be above freezing.
As we get late in the season, we will be watching more closely the temps and overall snow base. We may skip some days or sides of town for grooming. Trying to keep the season going as long as we can.
Sadly, there was another snowmobile fatality early this morning. That is number 12 for the State and number 6 for Vilas County this year. Please Slow Down! Ride Right, Ride Safe.
News and Reports:
- A reminder to ride between the orange blazers. Along Hwy K West, there were several 100 trees removed this summer to place new electric poles. Most of the stumps are still there. If you were to hit one, it could ruin your trip quickly. Ride Right ➡️ Ride Safe.
- To see where the Groomer is at, check out Groomer Tracker Half the cost of the app comes back to Conover Sno-Buddies to support grooming operations.
Snowmobile Information:
Our annual Poker Run ends on March 4th. Draw party is March 4th at Twin Lake Pub. No need to be present to win.
March 17 – Fundraiser at Club 45. Annual St. Patricks Day Corned Beef dinner. Money raised at this benefit go to the Sno-Buddies for trail maintenance. Come out and enjoy a Corned Beef dinner provided by the Payne Family.