Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-13 inches

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 2/23/22:

It’s 1 degree out this morning with sunny skies. The last 2 days we received much needed new snow, but it was far less than predicted. Last night, we groomed 2W and 8W. Early this morning, we groomed 8E, 11, and 15S. With colder temps into the weekend, new snow, and daily groomed trails, our trails will be in very good condition for mid-week riders.

Get out and enjoy our trails, be safe, think snow! Check for an updated report on Friday, 02/25/22.

– Landy Roepke, Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Manager

Please contact us to request this year’s snowmobile map and keep an eye on our webcam to see current snowfall in Boulder Junction.

Join us for these upcoming winter events:

March 5th – Cabin Fever Party: Snowmobile Club Fundraiser at Gooch’s A-One Bar

Help support the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club’s Fundraising Efforts: Tractor for the Trails

Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: Varied ice base – Plenty of new SNOW on the trails

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:


February 23, 2022 – 8:01am 2 degree – High 14 – Low tonight 8

8 inches new SNOW over the past 2 days!!  Looks to be wet & packy.  Trails are going to be fantastic!!  Time to ride!                                                                                                                            

Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) shows groomers back out grooming last night for a long night.  Drivers groomed all but the 9 mile spur off of Trail 10E which is about 8 miles east on Trail 10E.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. Stay by the orange reflective barrels. No reports of surface slush. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe.  Several sleds have gone in the water this season far from the barrels.

Short report this morning. Just remember to be safe Ride Right even in the corners.  Please no off trail riding.  The Clubs of Vilas County work very hard to secure easements from private landowners & folks we are losing many due to off trail riding.  So PLEASE NO OFF TRAIL RIDING.

Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!  Sure would be great to ride into March!

Sleds in the shop so “See ya on the Trails” real soon!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 2/25-26 – Arctic Derby Dash – ATV/UTV event


  • 3/1 – Sno-Eagles Board of Directors meeting – 6pm – Location TBD
  • 3/17 – General member meeting at Chef Rene’s – 6:30pm – Hwy 70W of Eagle River
  • 3/26 – Groom to Ride raffle drawing – 1pmm – Trackside – Hwy 45N across from the Derby Track

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Rhinelander, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022

Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Fresh snow

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

We received approximately 5″ of snow over the last 24 hours (not close to what was forecasted) it should help the trail system significantly.  The groomers are out doing double runs to hit all of our 150 miles of trails.  It takes time to hit all of them.  Once they are all groomed, they should be good.

The lakes are all marked and not showing any signs of slush. There are multiple roads across Boom Lake so use extreme caution when traveling on that route. The snow cover on the lake is low, so the ice fisherman can travel about anywhere so there can be truck tracks and / or plowed roads in multiple locations.

There is one trail closure on the Hodag Sno-Trails system: Trail H4 from Boom Lake to the intersection just north of River Rd. This is basically the “land” route to not running Boom Lake. The trail is closed at this point. We have been just notified that this is a permanent closure. Running the lake is the reroute.  

This latest snow will help extend the great season we are experiencing.  Oneida County trails could stay open until March 31st….conditions permitting.  Time to ride!!

Trail Report – : Chippewa County, WI – February 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 2″-8″ Base

Date of Report: February 22, 2022

Area Report:

All Chippewa County Snowmobile Trails will be open as of 9:00 am Wednesday, February 23 Trails will be mostly good to very good condition but poor sections will be found.

The bridge on Trail 14 between intersection 9 and Hwy 40 is still out, plan accordingly.

Jeff Myers

Trail Report – : Tomahawk, Wisconsin – February 22, 2022

Reporter:Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 2-4″

Date of Report: February 22, 2022

Area Report:

LINCOLN COUNTY ZONE 1 TRAILS are officially open. Any trails designated for winter ATV are also open (ATVs are not allowed on trails when temperatures exceed 28°. No UTVs).

ONEDIA COUNTY trails are officially open.

Trails are groomed and in fair to good condition, with some thin and icy spots. Up to several inches of new snow expected through Thursday 24th. Groomers will be out working.

Please stay safe and respect landowners by STAYING ON MARKED TRAILS and between blazers only.

Happy sledding!

Trail Report – : Superior – Douglas County, Wisconsin – February 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-15

Date of Report: February 22, 2022

Area Report:

Douglas County received 6-12 inches of much needed snow across the county in the last 48 hours. There is more snow forecasted over the next 24 hours.  There has also been significant wind producing snow drifts so please ride with caution.   All trails are open at this time and Most Grooming was done before this last snow.  Information will be updated in the report on Friday this week.

Douglas County Forestry does not maintain any trails across lakes.  If you would like information of specific trails please contact the Snowmobile club in that area.

It is critical that we respect the landowners who allow us to utilize their property. Please Stay On The Trails.

Please share this info with anyone that you believe would be interested…our goal is to inform as many trail riders as possible.

Please check with neighboring counties to ensure the trails are open before you ride!

Click here for a link to a map of open trails

SW Quadrant
 –(Maintained by Cozy Corner Trails Club)
Trail 5  Groomed Last Week
Trail 5A Groomed Last Week
Trail 925 Groomed Last Week
Trail 835 Groomed Last Week
Trail 930 Groomed Last Week
Trail 9  Groomed (watch for Logging north of Cnty Road A)
Trail 935 Groomed

SE Quadrant –   (Maintained by 4 Seasons Recreational Club, Jackpine Riders, and Get-er-Done)
Trail 5 Groomed Last Week
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail north of Solon Springs) Groomed
Trail 35 (Wild Rivers Trail south) Groomed to trail 7
Trail 27B Groomed
Trail 27C Groomed
Trail 41S Groomed Last Week
Trail 41B Groomed Last Week
Trail 217 Groomed
Trail 727 Groomed
Trail 17N Groomed
Trail 7 Groomed
Trail 27 Groomed
Trail 3 Groomed Last Week
Trail 41 (WRT to the warming Shack) Groomed Last Week
(watch for logging near Pierce Road.)
Trail 541 Groomed Last Week
Trail 17S (South of Lower Eau Claire Lake) Groomed
(Watch for logging across the county line)

NE Quadrant – (Maintained by Brule River Riders)
Open Trails
Trail 1:  Groomed
Trail 2 (TCC): Groomed
Trail 4:  Groomed
Trail 6:  Groomed
Trail 18:  Groomed
Trail 24:  Groomed
Trail B 24:  Groomed
Trail 27/27A:  Groomed
Trail 35 (WRT) Groomed Last Week
Trail 635: Groomed
Trail 235: Groomed Last Week

NW Quadrant- (Maintained by Drift Dodgers)
Gandy Dancer Trail Groomed Last Week
Saunders Grade Groomed Last Week
Wrenshall Grade Groomed Last Week
Trail 0 Groomed Last Week
Trail 28 Groomed Last Week
The Cross town connector Groomed Last Week
4/41 Groomed Last Week (Watch for Logging)
Trail 4 Groomed Last Week 

Please enjoy and Ride safe!

For Further information, Pease contact the Douglas County Forestry Department at 715-378-2219 or see our website,

Trail Report – : Rice Lake & Barron County, Wisconsin – February 22, 2022



Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 6-8 inches

Date of Report: February 22, 2022

Snowmobile Information:

More than 300 miles of groomed snowmobile trails lace Barron County, including the popular Tuscobia State Trail with 76 miles heading east from Rice Lake to Park Falls; the Wild Rivers Trail heading north from Rice Lake’s city limits leads 97 miles to Superior.


Barron County snowmobile trails are open and groomed. We received additional snow last week, however a few field crossings remain rough with exposed rocks and stumps. Ride with caution. The Wild Rivers, Tuscobia and Cat Tail State Trails are snow covered, groomed and generally are in excellent condition.

Trail Report – : Sugar Camp, Wisconsin – February 22, 2022

Reporter:Matt Winters

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 25″

Date of Report: February 22, 2022

Area Report:

For the most part the trails are in good condition outside of a few icy corners and some choppy spots. As long as we keep the cold air around I don’t expect much change. There are times on the weekends with heavy traffic that they become less than good in my opinion but it doesn’t take us long to get them back in shape thanks to the cold temperatures at night. Be safe and have fun.

Trail Report – : Hayward / Sawyer County, Wisconsin – February 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 9-10 Inches

Date of Report: February 22, 2022

Area Report:

February 22, 2022

We are enjoying the falling snow that started in the night and will continue through to Tuesday. Groomers will be back out once the snow has slowed. Trails are beautiful and this week and weekend will be excellent riding!

As mentioned in the previous post it is Birkie Week so there are some reroutes around the town of Hayward starting Tuesday. Lake Hayward will be closed as will Railroad St and Main Street.

There will be barricades up to prevent riders from getting on and off of Lake Hayward, going on Railroad St and Main Street out of respect for the Birkie race. Barricades will be up just past Marathon/Holiday gas station on 63 so you will be able to get gas at those locations. There will be barricades at the end of Railroad St by Millers Market, on the entrances/exits of Lake Hayward at Market Place, the boat landing behind the Big Musky and Holiday Inn. Please remember there is no on/off of the lake by Hayward Marine, that trail was removed a year ago so please do not use it as the lake trail is closed this week and you will be trespassing if you go on/off on that side.

There is some trail crossings with the Birkie trail in the Seeley Hills so expect some delays, but no closings. Please be respectful of closures/reroutes and please cross at Birkie trail crossings slowly and respectfully not to hurt their trail.

Please watch, enjoy and cheer on these athletes! It’s a remarkable race!

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – February 22, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: most of the season

Date of Report: February 22, 2022

Area Report:

DUG and I rode yesterday and trails were all in good to excellent condition….More snow and cold have them all in excellent condition by later today. Going to be less traffic this weekend (i hope) and better trails so hope to see you riding The Top Trails at the Top of Wisconsin.

News and Reports:

Huge shout out to Bent’s Camp and ALL of the Volunteers that made this years Radar Run the most successful ever. The bikini run was won by Nikki sp? again at 109.8 mph at near 0 degree temps!

Snowmobile Information:

Saturday night is candlelight Bowl at The Alley. Join us or a great night of bowling, raffles, and fun.

Call Sarah or Mellissa today or better yet stop in to the Alley to sign up!