Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada


Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – February 24, 2022

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: Ice base is varied – Plenty of SNOW

Date of Report: February 24, 2022

Area Report:


February 24, 2022 – 7:03am 14 below – High 19 – Low tonight 1 below

Cold morning.  Sun early this morning with cloudy conditions moving in around noon.  This is perfect for the trails.  More SNOW around dinner time.  Forecast reports about 1 inch. Great day to get out & ride!  With my sled down hard to get good photos of the trails.  Will post some tomorrow morning. 

As for the trails they are on average GOOD.  EXCELLENT riding out of town the farther out you get.  In town trails are FAIR.  Less traffic but please to be safe Ride Right even in the corners.  Please no off trail riding.  The Clubs of Vilas County work very hard to secure easements from private landowners & folks we are losing many due to off trail riding.  So PLEASE NO OFF TRAIL RIDING.

Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) shows groomers back out grooming last night.  Left the groomer barn north of town heading north on Trail 10W/13N grooming to the connect with Conover.  Then heading west across the Wisconsin River Bridge section of Trail 10W/13N.  At the intersection of 10W/13N groomers headed west to groom all ofTrail 10W, 7. Returning on the same section.

Catfish & Eagle lake trails marked & OPEN. Stay by the orange reflective barrels. No reports of surface slush. DO NOT think the entire lake is safe.  Several sleds have gone in the water this season far from the barrels.

Please KEEP DOIN’ THE SNOW DANCE!  Sure would be great to ride into March!

Sleds still in the shop so “See ya on the Trails” real soon!

Holly Tomlanovich
715.479-5185 Weekly Trail Update

News and Reports:


  • 2/25-26 – Arctic Derby Dash – ATV/UTV event


  • 3/1 – Sno-Eagles Board of Directors meeting – 6pm – Location TBD
  • 3/17 – General member meeting at Chef Rene’s – 6:30pm – Hwy 70W of Eagle River
  • 3/26 – Groom to Ride raffle drawing – 1pmm – Trackside – Hwy 45N across from the Derby Track

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 4-8″

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Snowmobile Information:

We had 8″ of snow through this morning. That put us back in the bear cage.Hornshoe Groomers Tom and Scott panned it down well. Pretty heavy traffic today cut it up nicely. Lots of bumps, but I met the Mercer groomer on 17 north of our area today, and he flattened it down nicely. Brian and Machelle should make our trails great, and set us up for a great rest of week, and weekend. Caution areas are our lakes, where there was a lot of drifting, and 17 in the Powell Marsh, at the bridge. It is still bare ground, but the bypass in the marsh makes the whole grade a nice ride. A lot of clubs no longer qualify to get paid for grooming, so when they ask for donations, or for raffle purchases, consider helping out. They could shut down for the year, but they don’t. Have fun and ride safe. Mark

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 12-18″

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

We received about 7″ of fresh snow from Monday thru Tuesday night. The snow was dry, so it will bank up in corners easily. But any trail that was getting thin, now has cover on them.

We didn’t groom Tuesday, and will be back at it tonight. Took a ride today, trails were in excellent shape, fresh snow was deep in corners. Some road crossings have a higher bank of snow until we get out tonight to knock them down.  

Corners may be icy as snow gets banked up from sleds. Remember to slow down in corners in anticipation of it being icy. 

Trail 3 still has the gravel section where it is coming up through the snow. The patch is roughly 250 ft long . Please ride safe ride right and for the conditions.

News and Reports:

We have our poker run going at this time.  You can get your poker cards at many of our supporters locations in Conover, Land o Lakes, Phelps and Eagle River. Poker run ends March 5th with drawing at Twin Lake Pub. Check out for more info.

Snowmobile Information:

Please stay on trails. We are starting to have some off trail riding on private property and on the xc-ski trail. We ask you respect the land owners and the other clubs trails.

Also noticed several corners where sleds have lost control in an icy corner and have left the trail. Please ride safe and enjoy the scenery. 

Trail Report – : Rice Lake & Barron County, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022



Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 6-8 inches

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Snowmobile Information:

More than 300 miles of groomed snowmobile trails lace Barron County, including the popular Tuscobia State Trail with 76 miles heading east from Rice Lake to Park Falls; the Wild Rivers Trail heading north from Rice Lake’s city limits leads 97 miles to Superior.


Barron County snowmobile trails are open and are being groomed. We received 7″ of additional (wind driven) snow this week, so our groomer crews are out and will be working on all Barron County trails throughout the week. Be patient and ride with caution.

Trail Report – : Iron County, Michigan – February 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 24 – 30 inches

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

We received 12″ of snow or better in yesterdays storm plus the 5 or 6 inches on Sunday… so as you can imagine the trails are good.  Groomer operators have been out grooming since last night so all trails will be in very good to excellent condition for this upcoming weekend.  For all you “Fun Loving” snowmobiler’s this is a weekend you don’t want to miss.  Trails will be AWESOME!!   🙂

Trail #2, Trail #116, Trail #16, Trail #113, Trail #18, Trail #111, Trail #107, Trail 15N. and Trail #15 S. are ALL in Very Good – Excellent condition.  

Count down has begun… only (5 weekends) to go before our season is over.  Overall we’ve had some good riding this year and it looks like it might go all the way through March at this rate. As always, be careful out there riding on the trails and watch for the groomers and operators as they too are out there grooming… keeping the trails flat and smooth for you. 

Thank you to everyone who has come up to ride and stay in Iron County this season… please know we all appreciate you and the business you bring to our area.

Happy Trails.. and remember to stay on your side of the trail !!!   😉


Trail Report – : Minocqua, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-14

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

We had a 6 inch snowfall and have helped the trails big time, Time to ride, reports are they are in the best shape now then they have been all year, cool temps will keep them flat. Get your riding in the next few weeks. 

Trail Report – : Spooner and Washburn County, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022

Reporter:Washburn County

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 6-8″

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

Washburn County Snowmobile Trails are open at this time. With 5 to 7 inches of new snow received over the last several days trail conditions are excellent with a 6 to 8 inch snow base. Club groomers are out in force, prepping the trails for your weekend run.

Snowmobile Information:

Snowmobiling Information

For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306
Visit us at for more information.

Click Here to order a Washburn County, WI snowmobile trail map.
(Please include your Name, Address, City, State and Zip with your map request.)


The Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area has over 250 miles of scenic, groomed trails. These miles of trails link up to the largest network of snowmobile trails in the Midwest. Visitors have remarked that “these trails are the best I’ve seen. They’re so well kept and they’re not crowded like other places we’ve been to, I’ll be back!”

The scenic beauty, wilderness sledding and abundant amenities, makes the area unmatched as a destination point for snowmobilers throughout the Midwest. The local snowmobile clubs have worked hard to develop and maintain routes that include a wide assortment of riding pleasures. The trails take you through, both private and public lands, over a variety of terrain including, forests, wetlands, farm fields, streams, lakes and bridges.

Within the Spooner (Washburn County) Wisconsin area there are over 100 lodging establishments, from small motels to lavish resorts. There are even winter camping facilities available. Our true, northern hospitality really shines when you dine at one of the trail-side restaurants in Washburn County, Wisconsin.

Many unique dining experiences are available; one you may be familiar with is the Friday Night Fish Fry, a northern tradition. Dining establishments range from bar & grilles to supper clubs, family dining to unique dining train rides. With over 70 restaurants in Washburn County, you may need to plan more than one trip to choose your favorite. You will find a variety of restaurants in Washburn County Wisconsin, sure to tempt your taste buds and keep you coming back.

For your FREE Trail Map and Visitor Guide, call 800-367-3306 or CLICK HERE for your FREE trail map! Visit us at for more information.

Trail Report – : Cable, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 6 – 8″

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

From the Namakagon Trail Groomers: We received 6 – 8″ of snow on Monday and even more on Tuesday! Trails were groomed on Monday and are in very good condition. Now’s the time to hit the trails!

Trail Report – : Ashland County, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 6-24 inches

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

Snowmobile Report – February 23, 2022
The Snowmobile Trails in Ashland County are Open.  We just received 28 inches of snow in the northern part of Ashland County.  Groomers are out and we will give you and update as soon as we hear back from the groomers!  As of Monday Conditions are FAIR to good.   Trails continue to be groomed.  Sparse in some areas.  Watch for machinery on Trail 21-13, south of Cayuga, trail being rebuilt by Forest Service.  Detour:  Snowmobilers go South on 181-183 intersection and can get on the trail by the little stub off 181 that goes to the trail.  Watch for logging where trail crosses Mud Line on Trail 12 (out of Butternut) and CAUTION, keep an eye out for chunks of dirt and rocks.   We are hoping for some more snow today…we will keep you posted!  Please stay on the trail. Lots of Ashland County snowmobile trails are on farmers land, please be respectful so we don’t loose our easement to their property.  Order your trail guide today!

Trail Report – : Boulder Junction, Wisconsin – February 23, 2022


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 10-13 inches

Date of Report: February 23, 2022

Area Report:

Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Report – Wednesday, 2/23/22:

It’s 1 degree out this morning with sunny skies. The last 2 days we received much needed new snow, but it was far less than predicted. Last night, we groomed 2W and 8W. Early this morning, we groomed 8E, 11, and 15S. With colder temps into the weekend, new snow, and daily groomed trails, our trails will be in very good condition for mid-week riders.

Get out and enjoy our trails, be safe, think snow! Check for an updated report on Friday, 02/25/22.

– Landy Roepke, Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club Trail Manager

Please contact us to request this year’s snowmobile map and keep an eye on our webcam to see current snowfall in Boulder Junction.

Join us for these upcoming winter events:

March 5th – Cabin Fever Party: Snowmobile Club Fundraiser at Gooch’s A-One Bar

Help support the Boulder Junction Snowmobile Club’s Fundraising Efforts: Tractor for the Trails