Trail Conditions: Excellent
Snow Cover: 8-18
Date of Report: February 24, 2022
Area Report:
We’ve been wanting more snow throughout the county and boy did we get it. A foot fresh snow in the southern part of the county and up to 30 inches in the north central part of the county. Groomers are digging out and getting to work to get trails in good condition for the weekend. With this much snow it may take a few days to get trails back in tip top shape especially in the northern part of the county. It’s going to be a beautiful weekend up here!
Some trouble spots to note:
- The Wally Polk Trail/Trail 40 near Port Wing and Herbster is closed. Flag road is a suitable re-route.
Namakagon Trail Groomers: We received 12-15″ of snow along with LOTS of wind!! 6-8′ base. Some trails were panned today (Tues) and the remainder will be done tomorrow (Wed). Trails are good to very good condition.
Barnes Barnestormers: Barnes received 10 to 12 inches of fresh snow, we have been out packing trails during the storm. We will continue to groom through the weekend. Trails should be in great condition, however, may see moguls in heavily ridden areas with the deeper snow.
Iron River: All trails in the Iron River area will be groomed by Thursday all are looking very good.
Washburn Valhallers: We will be attempting to first track-pack and then groom Trail #13 between Valhalla and the Ashland corridor on Thursday. We expect it to be in decent shape for the weekend. It will be early next week before we have all trails back to where we want them. The Washburn/Valhalla areas received 20″-30″+ of snow with considerable drifting. Groomers are out in Valhalla trying to cover all the trail before the weekend.
South Shore: Working on grooming South Shore trails. Port Wing done today, 2/23/22, lots of snow up on the South Shore.