Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails
Trail Conditions: Early Season
Snow Cover: decent base
Date of Report: December 29, 2022
Area Report:
We are off and running. It has been a slow start for the season. As reported across the northern part of the state the ice/snow storm has a huge set back for the clubs in the area. All trails had to be brushed and inspected after the numerous tress and other hazards from the storm.
We still had some wet areas north of Pelican Lake that had to be packed prior to the tractor/drag combo could safely cross. Those areas are now froze and the tractor will be out this weekend.
We had some mechanical issues with the track machines, and club volunteers worked hard over the last few days to diagnosis them and both of the machines are now back to 100%.
The fleet is now ready to hit the trails in force. At this point, not all of the trails have been groomed, but should be by the end of the weekend. All of the trails north of Rhinelander in our system are groomed. We will be focusing on the Monico / Pelican Lake and trails to the south in the near future.
Now, the watch outs……The lakes are not marked at this point and should be considered unsafe until they are marked. Travel at your own risk if you choose to cross them.
The conditions will vastly improve over the next week, but currently, the trails are “Early Season” conditions.
Feel free to get out and enjoy the first opportunities to ride, but temper your expectations at this point.