Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada



Reporter:Darrel Rose

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: good but spotty

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:

  • 8- Excellent
  • 8a- Good
  • 9- No Report
  • 9a- No Report
  • 10&10A- Good
  • 11- No Report
  • 12- Poor (Not Groomed)
  • 12A&B- Great (Swamp at Beavers Resort ungroomed)
  • 14- No Report
  • 17N- Good
  • 17S- Great
  • 19- Good
  • 19B- Poor due to logging
  • 20- Excellent
  • 21- Not Groomed
  • 51E- Good (Swamps not groomed)
  • 182- Grooming starting 12/29
  • 182B- Grooming starting 12/29
  • Please stay off lakes until marked, expect early season riding conditions. Early snow loads build base but also creates a lot of work and makes it more difficult getting around swamps.

Trail Report – : Antigo/Langlade County, Wisconsin – January 5, 2023


Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 2-4

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:


THE TRAILS BETWEEN INTERSECTIONS 49 & 58 AND INTERSECTIONS 21B & 22B WILL REMAIN CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. To view a map of where these closures are located, click here.

These trails will be open to ATVs on January 17, 2023. ATVs are not allowed on snowmobile trails when the temperature is above 28° F. UTVs are not allowed on the Langlade County Snowmobile trail system due to weight and width of these machines.

The Langlade County Snowmobile clubs, sponsors and operators of the existing trails, have put in many volunteered hours brushing, signing, and grooming to provide snowmobile trails for your use. Please support the snow clubs, thank them for their efforts and patronize their business sponsors.

All lake and river trails in Langlade County are considered unsafe and should not be utilized until they have been clearly marked by a local snowmobile club. As always, the Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department recommends riders stay on clearly marked trails. Please respect private property; use of trails across private lands is a privilege. Always exercise caution when riding a snowmobile. The trails are in rough, early season condition.

We are sorry for the delay in opening, the ice storm that hit Langlade County on December 15th resulted in the need for clearing of trees, brush and bent over trees on over 400 miles of our trail system. Thanks to the diligent work of our trail clubs, that work is now completed. We do advise caution as the ice will continue to break trees for the foreseeable future.

For questions regarding specific trail conditions, please contact the local snowmobile club or visit their social media pages.

For more information, please contact Al Murray, Forest Administrator or Cody Brauner, Langlade County Snowmobile Coordinator at 715-627-6300.

We hope that you enjoy the Langlade county trail system this winter and thank you for supporting the economy and businesses of Langlade County! 

Al Murray
Langlade County Forestry & Recreation Department 

Trail Report – : Hurley, Wisconsin – January 5, 2023

Trail Conditions: Excellent

Snow Cover: 10-12

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:

For more information on the Hurley area or to plan your next vacation please visit: Hurley Wisconsin – A Place Where Everyone Can Play


Snowmobile Information:

We received an additional 4-8 inches of heavy base-building snow last night and it’s still falling this morning. Our early morning groomer operator Jeff Pickhardt says it’s a great morning to be a WTR operator in our largest tractor, T7 nicknamed by Jeff as Godzilla! We plan to work on snowbridging our final short sections of trails 13b and 13s today, so please stay clear of these areas and allow us to get our work done. All other trails in the White Thunder Rider area are listed as EXCELLENT at this time! We will be grooming non-stop now until Spring, so please make sure to wait for us to stop and signal you to pass. Ride SAFE and ride RIGHT!
Most of all, ENJOY your time ON the Iron County trails!


Trail Report – : Eagle River, Wisconsin – January 5, 2023

Reporter:Holly t

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 11 inches +- 1-5 inch base

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:

January 5, 2023 – 9:45 am – 25 – High 28


1/2 inch of SNOW overnight east of Eagle River. Sleet & Ice before that making riding conditions a true mixed bag. Temps dropping to the teens & some single digits night for the next week. Mid to high 20’s during the day. 

As for the trails.  Riding is still best heading north out of town.  That would be Trail 10/13. Icy corners most everywhere. The swamps have slush spots.  Wisconsin River Bridge area of Trail 10/13 that heads west has slushy spots on the approaches to the bridge on both sides. There is room to get around those spots. In town trails are slushy to include heading south on Trail 10/13.  Trail 10E is still covered.  It is icy & soft in most sections.  Road crossings everywhere have slush & lack snow. Base is thin. 1-5 inches.

Grooming last night heading from the Groomer Barn which is north of Eagle River off of Hwy 45N.

Trail Alt 13 was groomed to Willow rd to the turn onto Trail 10E
Trail 10E to include trail to Chanticleer Inn & Eagle Lake trail & 9-mile trail
Trail 1S – the Grampa Grahm section.  Rest of this trail is road route
Trail 10/13 heading north out of town to Hwy G crossing
Trail 3 aka Manske Swamp
Trail 17N to Manske Swamp turn
Trails 70W/7N
Trails 7 aka Paintball Field & Trail 17/13S to Sugar Camp connect



Eagle & Catfish Lake trails are open & marked.   Take it slow.  Hard rough & some shiny ice & surface slush pockets still present, particularly on the turn that takes you off the lake to Townline Rd. Stay by the orange reflective barrels ALWAYS to be safe.

Some reminders when you ride. Have a Map or Phone App. Please no off trail riding & stop at driveways.  Also as you ride you might meet a groomer.   They are big & can’t pull over for us.  So pull over & let the driver direct you.  And oh ya give ’em a thumbs up.  They groom so we can ride!!!


See ya on the trails real soon!!

Holly Tomlanovich
Sno-Eagles Snowmobile Club
Proud Groomers of THE SNOWMOBILE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD® – Eagle River
715.479-5185 Trail Updates will begin with trail opening

News and Reports:


January 3 – Board of Directors meeting- 6pm – World Snowmobile HQ – Hwy 45N – Members welcome
January 12-15 – Vintage World Championship Race – WCDC Track
January 19 – Member meeting – Buckshots’s Downtown – 6:30pm
January 21 – SNO(Saturday Nite Out) – Braywood – Catfish Lk Rd of Hwy 45S – 5pm -ALL Welcome
January 19-22 – World Championship Snowmobile Derby
January 27-29 – Weekend Away to Mole Lake Casino
January 28-30 – Women On Snow

Snowmobile Information:

Wisconsin Snowmobile Registration 
Discount Trail Pass for Snowmobile Club Members – $10 – Time to join a club!
Standard Wisconsin Trail Pass – $30
Out of State Trail Pass – $50
Vilas County Map It Trail App GPS style app of all trails in Vilas County.  Plus includes the brown 3 digit emergency numbering system. If an emergency happens call 911 & give them that number.  Find you quicker.
Groomer Tracking Systems (GTS) Gives you trails groomed in last 24, 48 & 96 hours
Snowmobile Wisconsin – Know before you go!

Trail Report – : Conover, Wisconsin – January 5, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-12″

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:

We received another 1″ of new snow overnight. The best thing with the new snow was that it was a wet snow. This allows us to pack it down and reset the base. With colder temps coming, this will set the trails up nicely. 

We groomed both sides last night, hitting the most traveled sections. Groomers will be out every night this week to keep the trails in nice shape. They did pan out very nice, except a few corners that have been hit hard. This is the only reason I have not rated our trails in “Excellent Conditions”. 

We have stayed out of the Cemetery Trail with these warmer temps. Trail Boss Chad will be hitting that section on Friday night. 

News and Reports:

If you find a condition that you need to report to the Conover Sno-Buddies like a down tree, water on the trail, etc, either message us on Facebook, use the contact page on our website, or even notify a local establishment. They know how to get a hold of us to fix the issue. 

  • A reminder to ride between the orange blazers. Along Hwy K West, there were several 100 trees removed this summer to place new electric poles. Most of the stumps are still there. If you were to hit one, it could ruin your trip quickly. Ride Right ➡️ Ride Safe. 

Snowmobile Information:

Our annual Poker Run starts December 24th and ends on March 4th. You can pick up game cards to be stamped at several locations in Conover, Eagle River, Phelps, and Land O Lakes. Draw party is March 4th. No need to be present to win. 

January 14th – 10am-2pm – Trailside Brat Fry. Meet Conover and Phelps snowmobile clubs at intersection 500 for Brats, Hot Dogs, Hot Chocolate. and s’mores. This is where 3 clubs meet on trail 6 and 8 along the power lines near Blong Rd. 

January 28th – 1pm-4pm – Chilli and Soup Cook-off at Wild Turkey. Entreries must be there by 12:45pm. Bring a crook pot full of your favorite recipe. Or stop by and be a judge on entreries. 

Trail Report – : Bayfield County, Wisconsin – January 5, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: 8-10 inches

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:

The entire county got 4-8 inches of fresh snow. With this fresh snow more branches have come down in some areas. Please ride with caution and do your part to clean up anything you’re able to.

Snowmobile Information:


Trails are in great condition. Fresh snow today and everything will be groomed and open by Friday. There is a wet spot on 31 South toward Sawyer county, that will be well marked.


Drummond Sno Jacks

No report


Frostys vintage riders    

No report


Namakagon Trail Groomers

All NTG trails were groomed on Monday 1/2/23 and in excellent condition. We received about 8-9” of wet heavy snow Tuesday/Wednesday. And we’ll be going out grooming Thursday morning. 


Northern Adventures

 All trails are open and groomed. Trails are in great condition.


South Shore Trails Club

All South Shore trails are being groomed and are in great shape, with the exception of Trail 1 from Campbell Rd to Swedlund Rd. There is still some small brush on the sides of some trails.


Washburn Valhellers     

Washburn Area trails, including trail #13 South from Washburn to the tri-county corridor as well as 33/31/63 from Valhalla south (Moquah Spur) are in great shape with a lot of snow.  We will resume grooming on Thursday around the Valhalla area and will groom Trail #13 on Friday into Washburn and from Washburn to the Tri-County Corridor.  We are planning to re-groom 33/31/63 later Saturday evening. 


All the trails in the Valhalla/Bayfield area remain in excellent shape. Exception: trail 1 from Mountain Road to the trail 31 intersection. One pass was made from 31 to Mountain Road yesterday, Tuesday, with the drag. We need cold weather to freeze it up. We will not be grooming until Thursday evening to allow the snow to settle the water out so we don’t turn the hills to ice. Then we will be grooming two shifts through the weekend. Trail 1 could also use some light hand brushing through the swampy area on snowmobiles.

White River Ramblers    All trails are open and groomed. Trails are in great condition.


Sign up to receive text message or email trail condition updates on the county website under “Notify Me.” You can also find updates on Snowtracks and view the Wisconsin Snow Conditions widget at 


Order a snowmobile map online or pick one up at area businesses. You can also download the Avenza app (for free) and get the updated Snowmobile Map on your device before you hit the trails – locate yourself on the trail map with GPS so you can see where you are, even with no cell reception! If you’d like to see the sponsor businesses on the same type of map, try the Trail Treker app ($1.99).

Be sure to stop in, warm up and patronize the businesses on our snowmobile map. Their advertising makes it possible to print and distribute the map. New maps will be available soon!

Trail Report – : Western UP, Michigan – January 5, 2023

Reporter:Western U.P. Snowmobile Report

Trail Conditions: Early Season

Snow Cover: 28

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:

Gogebic Range Trail Authority – ORV & Snowmobile Club

14h  · 

GRTA trail boss and his grooming Crew groomed the main corridors last night. This is what happened. Mike Secord was grooming trail 11 by Great Lakes road and fell through a very wet spot. With no luck last night trying to pull out the tractor with the other tractor we quit at 2:30 am this morning until we could bring in Greg’s Towing at 11:30 this morning. With no trouble after pulling chains and straps it was out and hooked up to the drag and back to the barn for a check-up. Three times in a week in pulling out the tractor. That’s time wasted but that comes with wet spots along with soft areas. Thanks to Ryan, Shawn, Mike and Jerry for the long night. Yes, we have snow! Small water hazards may have opened with last weekends high traffic. Thank you all for coming and supporting our area! We are quite tired from a massive blizzard followed by the famous week between Christmas and new years. Trails held up well, come ride

Trail 160 Bald Mountain Memorial Trail TeePee in all her glory. Thank you Ryan for grooming last night. 160 has a few small water spots, easily navigable


Gogebic Area Grooming

10h  · 

Lake Gogebic Area Groomers are currently rating our trails to be in OK condition.

Trail 102 and 1North were hit last night and holding up.

Trail 13 North and 13 South will be done tonight.

Groomers are still waiting to get a regular pattern, but mother nature is the one in charge and you know how she is! Just know that groomers are doing everything possible to keep ahead of the riders and traffic in order to keep all our riders and visitors happy.   We will have a full trail report once groomers have a chance to get back on the trails.   Colder temps this week will help as well at 6+” forecasted for Tuesday and 1-3” on Wednesday.


U.P. Thunder Riders Snowmobile Club

23h  · 

We will be grooming daily. Trails are in good condition! Ride Right, Ride Safe!

Trail Report – : Rhinelander, Wisconsin – January 5, 2023

Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: Hard base with snow covering

Date of Report: January 5, 2023

Area Report:

Trails are open and almost all waterways are marked.  We didn’t get the snow that was forecasted, but groomer drivers report positive feedback on the trails.  There is a good solid base due to the recent weather conditions.  In most areas, the trails are overall good.  Due to overall lack of significant snow base, all holes, bumps, rocks, roots, etc can’t be covered or filled in at this point.

There are spots of icy corners, and some thin areas.  Overall, we will be rating them as fair due all conditions.

Stay close to the barrels on the lakes.  Most of the slushy areas have frozen up, but there could be rough areas from the previous slush points.  Most of the lakes are marked.  Consider them unsafe if not marked.

Conditions don’t look to change without more snow.   

Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – January 4, 2023


Trail Conditions: Good

Snow Cover: White

Date of Report: January 4, 2023

Area Report:

Quick trip from Sunrise Lodge to Phelps, Conover and back to Twilight for the Frosty Club Christmas Party…EXCELLENT Trails. Mid week riding is the best!

News and Reports:

Snowing lightly—Can always use more but the groomers are out and doing a fantastic job. White and flat the trails are.

Trail Report – : Phelps, Wisconsin – January 4, 2023

Reporter:Phelps Snowmobile Club

Trail Conditions: Fair

Snow Cover: 8″-10″

Date of Report: January 4, 2023

Area Report:

The snow predicted didn’t amount to what they were saying.  We did get around 3″ of new snow with more on the way tonight and tommorrow.  The Phelps trail system was not groomed last night but we are planning on getting out there tonight and through the weekend.  Trails are as good as shape as they can be with the snow and conditions we have.  Today was a high of 33.  All the lake trails are mrked in Phelps but please stay on the marked trails due to slush on the ice.  Please enjoy your ride in the Phelps area and make sure you fill up in tpwn and get a bite to eat.

News and Reports:

Trailside Roast – January 14 th – Come celebrate our club’s 50 th anniversary! Our joint trailside roast with
Conover is scheduled for Saturday January 14 th from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Volunteers are needed for set up,

tear down, to assist with merchandise sales, food service, and to welcome riders to the area. This is the
Saturday that Eagle River is hosting the 22 nd Vintage World Championship Snowmobile Races, we are expecting
that we may have some vintage sleds coming to the trail roast. Last year we had a great turnout celebrating
with Conover as they celebrated their 50-year anniversary.
CA$H Raffle – The Phelps Snowmobile Club is holding a CA$H Raffle that will run throughout the snowmobile
season. The winners will be drawn at our last monthly dinner Meeting on March 9, 2023 at the Sand Lake Pub.
Ticket cost is $50. Only 250 tickets will be sold, and you do not need to be present to win. First prize is $3000,
second prize is $1500, third prize is $750, fourth prize is $500, and fifth prize is $250. Currently tickets are for
sale at the Sand Lake Pub, The Habit, Brule River Tap, Dublin’s, The Great Escape, and Hillside. Tickets are also
available by contacting a Board Member.
Rifle Raffle – Tickets are $10.00 each, or three for $20.00. Availability same as CA$H Raffle.
1 st place – TIKKA T3X Hunter 6.5CR WD24”
2 nd place – Centerpoint AMPED 425, Compound Crossbow Kit
3 rd place – Ruger Air Hawk Elite II , .177 Caliber.
Drawing held Thursday, February 9 th , 2023, 5:30 – 7:00 pm at the Great Escape Bar. Need not be present to win.