Snowmobiling Information
The Kieler & Dickeyville area is the gateway where Iowa, Illinois & Wisconsin all meet & enter into Grant County’s over 300 miles of trails. From here, connections can lead to Wisconsins 25,000+ mile trail system.
Our local trail system offers the unique experience of crossing varied terrain through some very beautiful farmland. Starting in either town will send you across rolling fields, across several creeks & through many wooded areas where you can occasionally spot deer & other wildlife. Many of the hills & valleys offer scenery worth stopping to snap a few pictures but with plenty of areas that appeal to both the leisure rider as well as those that want to have smooth trails for a quicker pace. Whichever path you choose, you are sure to find well-marked & carefully groomed trails that connect you to other local communities & counties. With many options for eating & fuel, you are sure to love your time spent in the area. Our local clubs are more than happy to help you with locations to park your vehicles for the day or weekend & point you in the direction of some great riding.