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Trail Report – : Sayner, Wisconsin – March 6, 2025

Reporter:SaynerStar Lake Barnstormers
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: Minimal
Date of Report: March 6, 2025
Area Report:

The Vilas county trails are set to reopen Friday, March 7 at 8:00 am!

The Barnstormer volunteers have been very busy these past couple days clearing downed trees and panning the trails in anticipation of the reopening.  The majority of our system is in really good condition.  Trail 6/9 between TIN 204 and 225 has several dips that are full of slush, covered in snow.  The fresh snow makes these more difficult to see.

You should also expect to see a lot of branches in the trail.  We’ve cleared what we could, but there is still heavy snow in the trees and branches continue to fall.

Trail 9/11 was not groomed from TIN 366 heading west towards Arbor Vitae.  There is a hill on this stretch that is very icy under the snow and it simply is not worth having a groomer slide off the trail.

With the warmer temps forecasted for next week, this could likely be our last weekend.  Expect heavy traffic!  Please be respectful of everyone out there by slowing down as you approach corners and STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE TRAIL!!

Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15 between Escanaba Lake Road and Old White Birch Road.  The impact to the trail is minimal, so no reason to avoid.  Just remember the loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way.  Please be respectful of their operations.