Reporter:Hodag SnoTrails
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: About 6-8" of fresh snow
Date of Report: February 23, 2023
Area Report:
Trail Conditions: Good
Snow Cover: About 6-8" of fresh snow
Date of Report: February 23, 2023
Area Report:
The snow has arrived again. Time to fire up the sleds. With 6-8” of fresh snow, our trails will be in good shape. USE CAUTION there is a lot of ice under this new snow. Corners will be very icy. Stay on your side of the trail. We will be out grooming, day and night, so please give them the room they need.
There is a solid ice base under the snow. We can’t stress enough to ride defensively out there. We need riders to pack down the entire trail bed to allow the groomers to safely manage the hills.
Thank you