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Trail Report – : Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin – December 3, 2019

Trail Conditions: Closed
Snow Cover: Looks like winter
Date of Report: December 3, 2019
Area Report:

Trail boss Rob and many Frosty Club volunteers have been out packing swamps and clearing the trails of numerous trees. The snow was great but it sure did bring down a lot of trees on the trail system and it is hard work removing them in all that snow. We need some cold weather to freeze our wet spots/swamps. The Vilas County trails will not open for a while as we have a 10 day muzzle loader deer hunt followed by a 4 day antler less deer hunt—even though I have not seen a hunter or a deer in the woods the past few days Vilas trails will open as one–sometime after Dec. 15..

News and Reports:

Join us for the Frosty Club Benefit Breakfast at Sunrise Lodge on Lac Vieux Desert Saturday and Sunday December 14 and 15 from 7:30 AM to 11AM. 100 percent of money taken in goes to trail grooming. Last year was a record turnout and we hope to top that this year. Questions: Call Erika at 715 547 6199.