Your Online Trail and Travel Guide for Snowmobiling the U.S. & Canada

Trail Report – : Mercer, Wisconsin – January 10, 2018

Trail Conditions: Fair
Snow Cover: 2-4 inches
Date of Report: January 10, 2018
Area Report:

Conditions: Fair to Good

Trails are still very thin in the area as most of the Mercer trail system hasn’t seen any significant snow since before Christmas time. The really cold temperatures have frozen up the entire stems and the lakes. The Flowage is now completely marked and in great condition. Our groomers continue to get out every night to knock down the bumps on the trail and do what they can with the low amount of snow. With the warm-up today, and the amount of snow expected tomorrow, we should be having some good riding conditions these next couple of days.

January 13, 2018: Sno -Goers Winter Blast: Club’s Annual Fundraiser, Pig Roast, Pancake Breakfast, Vintage Snowmobile Show, Kids Games, Live Music, Food-Beer-Soda-Coffee-Raffles, Free Admission (